Thinking Anglicans

Anglican Covenant: more documents

A new set of documents has been published by Modern Church as Church of England resources intended for use in forthcoming diocesan synod debates on the proposed Anglican Covenant.

The resources can all be found at this page which notes that:

On 24 November 2010 the General Synod of the Church of England voted to consider adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant. As this would constitute

“a permanent and substantial change of relationship between the Church of England and another Christian body”

it may not receive final approval unless first approved by a majority of the dioceses at meetings of their diocesan synods.

These documents have been produced as resources for presenting the case against the Covenant in these debates.

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Jonathan Clatworthy’s seminal article on the disadvantages of being part of the Covenant Process is fascinating reading. At the moment, it seems that even GAFCON Provinces do not want to take any part in the process – believing it to be oriented in favour of TEC, the A.C.of C., and other liberal Provinces of the Communion. The irony is, that if GAFCON refuses still to entertain the idea of being part of the Covenant, it might behove the rest of us to join up. However, that would require a substantial re-write – including the controversial Section 4, which is still… Read more »

14 years ago

Yes indeed, what Clatworthy said.

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