Thinking Anglicans

Religion or Belief – statistics

From BRIN (British Religion in Numbers)

A Perfect Companion

Anybody feeling a little at sea in the plethora of religious data may find a new briefing paper from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) a great boon. Written by EHRC’s research manager, David Perfect, and simply entitled Religion or Belief, it is available to download from:

The 25-page paper brings together a selection of key national statistics on religion in Great Britain, sometimes as time series. The document is short enough for BRIN readers to consult directly, so no summary of findings will be attempted here. However, an annotated listing of the 19 tables may be found useful.

Follow the link to A Perfect Companion for the annotated listing.

Thanks to The Church Mouse for drawing my attention to this.

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Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

I found it most interesting to discover, on a cursory examination of the statistics regarding female headship in the various religious bodies in the UK, that women have increasingly found acceptance as – for instance – parish clergy within the Church of England. This should help to focus the thoughts of various diocesan synods (and General Synod) towards the implementation, as soon as possible, of the episocpal ordination of women. This would ensure that women are not relegated to only the lower orders of ministry in the Church. Their value to the ongoing pastoral care of the churches has now… Read more »

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