Thinking Anglicans

More comment on Civil Partnerships & Marriage

An open letter to the Prime Minister regarding Homosexual Marriage and the registration of Civil Partnerships in places of religious worship has been sent by three organisations, The Council of the Protestant Truth Society with the support of the Council of Church Society and the Management Committee of Christian Watch.

The Living Church has an article by John Martin Erastianism Debate Rears its Head.

The British Humanist Association published Church of England’s opposition to gay marriage highlights need for disestablishment.

At Episcopal Café Jim Naughton is still trying to unravel What exactly is Rowan Williams saying about the new civil partnership bill?

Cranmer has The Government are NOT about to force ‘gay marriage’ on the Church of England.

Andrew Carey wrote for the Church of England Newspaper Redefining what marriage means.

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14 years ago

So once again, the three “Open Letter” writing organizations have no hesitation to IMPOSE their beliefs on OTHER religious groups. [So much for “Proclaim Liberty throughout the land”! (Lev. 25:10)]

Fr Mark
14 years ago

It really is a bit much that Andrew Carey, of all people, given his own personal history, comes up with this thin argument, unsupported by any evidence, that marriage can never be redefined. If this is the best the Conservative Evangelicals can produce, there is no limit to these people’s brass. The good news is that such total inability to make a convincing case is not going to win them either the argument or any allies in wider British society (beyond perhaps the BNP and Hizb ut Tahrir). Carey says that the introduction of civil partnerships “undoubtedly righted an injustice.”… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Andrew Carey is also short on actual history. Marriage has indeed come in various configurations – he might reread the family sagas in Genesis, for a start, and then some history of various cultures and civilizations. Maybe he should find a nice desert island with no outside communication to do so. Then maybe he would have a chance to get over himself.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

‘Carey says that the introduction of civil partnerships “undoubtedly righted an injustice.” Was that really his view at the time, I wonder?’
Fr Mark

Good question. I have no idea what injustice was thought to have been righted. Did Carey campaign for it – or even support it ? I have no such recollection.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Carey, Conger and Sugden – three correspondents of the Church of England Newspaper – all fearful of secular government in the UK, which is the treasured ‘Instrument of True Justice’ for which people of some other countries – like those in the Arab world presently suffering insurrection – would give their very lives – ought to be ashamed of themselves. Christians can expect no prior rights over other ethnic or religious constituencies in the multi-cultural milieu of the U.K. Nor should they want to assert such a culture of preference, which is inimical to ‘mishpat’ – the justice enjoined on… Read more »

14 years ago

I don’t see why Mr. Carey is so upset – he and his conservative ilk have been redefining what “Christian” is since the early 1900’s, and with far more destructive results.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
14 years ago

I think we can learn something about Andrew Carey’s campaigning for Civil Partnership justice from Anglican Mainstream: Andrew Carey Lambeth Notes Since the debacle of Civil Partnerships I must confess to some doubts about the place of Bishops in the House of Lords. You will recall that eight bishops (Chelmsford, Manchester, Norwich, Oxford, Peterborough, St Albans, St Eds & Ips and Truro) voted in favour of the Bill while only two bishops voted against (Chester and Southwell). In recent times they have slightly redeemed themselves with a spirited defence of religious freedom by defeating the government on the Equality… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

What Erika said.

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