Thinking Anglicans

The Appointments Committee of the Church of England

There are some brief details of the Appointments Committee of the Church of England (and an out-of-date up-to-date list of members) on the Church of England website here, and I have copied this below the fold.

But much more useful and interesting is the paper GS Misc 963 Appointments 2010-2015 which “provides details about the work of the Appointments Committee of the Church of England and sets out some of the appointments to be made in the quinquennium”. Although dated October 2010 (and presumably issued to General Synod members then) it has, I think, only just appeared on the Elections and appointments page of the CofE website.

Appointments Committee

There is provision for the establishment of the Appointments Committee both in the National Institutions Measure 1998 and in the Standing Orders of the General Synod. It is, therefore, a Committee both of the Archbishops’ Council and the General Synod and it is responsible for making such appointments and/or recommendations on appointments to synodical and other bodies as the Synod or the Archbishops’ Council require.

Appointments include:

  • appointments to synodical bodies, such as legislative steering or revision committees, the Standing Orders Committee etc
  • appointments to Boards, Councils and Committees of the Archbishops’ Council
  • representatives of the Synod on the governing bodies of theological training institutions
  • representatives of the Synod on the governing bodies of mission agencies (Partnership for World Mission)
  • representatives of the Church of England at ecumenical conferences
  • representatives of the Church of England at the governing assemblies of other denominations
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Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper
14 years ago

The list of members of the Appointments Committee found by following your link looks up to date to me.

Peter Owen
14 years ago

So it is, Susan. It must have been updated in the last few days. I have corrected my comment.

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