Thinking Anglicans

Two deans become suffragan bishops

Two cathedral deans have recently been appointed as suffragan bishops.

The Dean of Exeter, Jonathan Meyrick, has been appointed Bishop of Lynn (Norwich diocese).
No. 10 announcement
Diocesan announcement

The Dean of Rochester, Adrian Newman, has been appointed Bishop of Stepney (London diocese).
No. 10 announcement
Diocesan announcement

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14 years ago

Adrian is my cousin, of whom my non-religious brothers both said, “If anyone could make me want to go to church it would be Adrian” because he is such a good communicator.

Rather like the idea of a bishop running a marathon, like he did when he was a dean. I can see it now. London bishop in the London marathon.

I’m pleased for him but I’m sure it won’t be easy.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

2 new Bishops for the Church of England! Let’s hope they are both ‘forward looking’ and not wedded to the ‘status quo’. Dean Jonathan Meyrick favours the ‘loose’collar, one notes. I hope that means a little liberality in his upcoming episcope. I pray for both men (?) as they enter into their new era of ministry. They will need our prayers!

Nigel Taylor
Nigel Taylor
14 years ago

I wonder whether Ven Revd Adrian Newman is Evangelical or a Liberal Catholic? It would be quite strange but good to see an Affirming Catholic Bishop get a role.

Now all that is left pretty much – Bishop of Fulham, Bishop of Ebbsfleet and Bishop of Richborough.

I think +Richard Chartes will keep Fulham closer to home and give it to someone like +Peter Wheatley and leave See of Edmonton Vacant. While Ebbsfleet and Richborough should hopefully be swift but pleasant appointments

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Is this not a sad comment on a once great office – that of Dean that it should be considered a preferment to go from it to become what is in effect an episcopal curate? I cannot for one moment imagine the Dean of Durham accepting such a demotion. What has the CofE become?

Stuart, Devon
Stuart, Devon
14 years ago

Jonathan is always impeccably tailored; he’s been an excellent dean for both the cathedral and the diocese of Exeter and Norfolk is lucky to have him.

Andrew B
Andrew B
14 years ago

Has anyone heard anything about the See of Fulham and What is to happen to it

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

oh yes, ‘impeccable tailoring’ must be essential for ministers – let alone bishops.

Wondering what of the tailoring of Jesus and Peter, Andrew + co ?

‘Impeccability’ a new mark of church….

Peter Edwards
Peter Edwards
14 years ago

Far be it from me to question what people wear – but I will! The Bishop of Plymouth (Exeter) insisted that I should wear black clericals as his curate (and I asked – before I was ordained – if any other colours existed: what does that say about me?!) I know nothing of the usual sartorial elegance of Fr Meyrick, but it has twice been mentioned, by Fr Ron in the Antipodes and Stuart in Devon. A (very) loose collar (indeed) – or something that Roly Bain wears when clowning in church – with a buttoned stock (worn by exactly… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

The abiding memory of the Jonathan Meyrick I knew is of him in a pair of coloured tights (or hose to be more precise) chasing the Princess Fred (AKA David Saint) and promising undying love. That Jonathan was young and wore a swish mustache, not this old crabby fellow. If my memory serves me right there was a bishop witnessing this amorous pursuit – it was George Reindorp, who WAS always rather elegantly turned out. His Lordship had a shiny pate and spent part of the proceedings (the interval audience participation) singing a song specially written for the day by… Read more »

Jonathan Kirkpatrick
Jonathan Kirkpatrick
14 years ago

I can only imagine that these Very Revd gentlemen aspire to being diocesan Bishops and that as that invariably means having to be an episcopal curate first, that is a pill they are prepared to swallow; and the risk that they might get stuck there, as one they are prepared to take. Why else would a Cathedral dean move from somewhere such as Exeter to become the second choice confirming machine in wind swept East Anglia? I’m reminded of that wonderful Michael Ramsey story, which I have probly got wrong but which goes something like: ‘Tomorrow I have to consecrate… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Thinking sartorial – does anyone else wear a Canterbury Cap these days? I do. It makes some young bucks stop and ask what it’s all about, and I’m glad to be able to tell them: Anglo-catholic and Inclusive!

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Nigel – Adrian Newman isn’t a “Ven” being a Dean he is Very Reverend and on his forthcoming elevation will become a Right Reverend. Only those who hold the office of Archdeacon aren’t Reverend being, like Bede, Venerable. With regard to “impecable tailoring” and sartorial elegance isn’t it time we brought back frock coat and gaiters for the higher clergy? It is an oft quoted aphorism that the clergy dropped their gaiters under Ramsey. His predecessor Fisher was never seen in public without them. I believe that the late and great clergyman – Ronald Williams (Bishop of Leicester from 1953… Read more »

Jonathan Kirkpatrick
Jonathan Kirkpatrick
14 years ago

It has just occurred to me that a lack of sartorial elegance could be the ultimate heterosexuality test for would be Bishops. A wife and offspring having been an unreliable test, having them dress in a way that no self respecting gay man would ever dream of might be a more reliable way of ensuring that the bench of Bishops is as heterosexual as can be humanly engineered.

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

How many of the present Deans are scholars? I always thought that is where scholars should be preferred. But I suppose now that Cathedrals have to run as businesses and there is so much fund raising ,the role has changes and increasingly managerial Deans move on to be managerial bishops.

Stuart, Devon
Stuart, Devon
14 years ago

Neither of these gentlemen would be in gaiters – as they were not worn by deans. Gaiters served (in theory) to protect the calves of those clergy required to move around the countryside, archdeacons and bishops, and were not needed by those whose duties were confined to the close.

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

I beg to differ, Stuart, having with my very own eyes seen a photograph of The Very Rev’d Robert McCarthy, Dean of St. Patrick’s cathedral in Dublin (successor to Dean Swift) wearing frock coat and gaiters.

14 years ago

“But I suppose now that Cathedrals have to run as businesses…” Perry Butler

Indeed! I was in a meeting recently where the Dean – in response to some wafty, impractical suggestion from another clergy person – said “This is the trouble with spiritual people – they aren’t businesslike” – clearly not considering himself to be a spiritual person! Me, I’d rather have a businesslike Dean where everything is run well and s/he leaves the spiritual stuff to the Canon Pastor and Canon Precentor.

Posted anonymously for their benefit not mine 🙂

Sara MacVane
Sara MacVane
14 years ago

@ Fr David – and what about women bishops? gaiters for them as well? (we’re all just kidding I know, but still don’t you think women add some reality touches….)

Old Father William
Old Father William
14 years ago

Speaking of things sartorial, an English priest asked me several years ago, why American priests so often wear the “dog collar” instead of the little tab which slips into the front of the shirt. I had no answer. Any suggestions? Isn’t it Americans who are all for convenience?

Robert ian Williams
Robert ian Williams
14 years ago

Well tailored indeed! What a poor criteria for a Bishop.

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Sara, as with men – it all depends on the shape of the leg and whether or not they are at ease with equestrianism. Speaking personally, I have the perfect calves for gaiters but the call has never come! There again I am not at ease riding horses – no brakes! (only kidding) As to those who are entitled to wear them – after extensive research – I may, after all, be coming round to Stuart’s way of thinking. I base this observation on my knowledge of that marvellous televisual programme – “All Gas and Gaiters”. The bishop (William Mervyn)and… Read more »

toby forward
14 years ago

I think Dean Hewlett Johnson is the chap to settle this issue.

14 years ago

“Speaking of things sartorial, an English priest asked me several years ago, why American priests so often wear the “dog collar” instead of the little tab which slips into the front of the shirt. I had no answer. Any suggestions? Isn’t it Americans who are all for convenience?” I can advance a hypothesis, as a citizen of the U. S.: We don’t have an official state religion, so default for “priest” doesn’t settle on “Episcopalian” – rather, when saying “priest” a typical U. S. citizen thinks “Catholic” (i.e. Roman Catholic). The dog collar, as opposed to the tab, provides a… Read more »

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

Indeed so, Toby, but there again the Red Dean always was a bit of a rebel and not only in things sartorial – ask Fisher!

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“Well tailored indeed! What a poor criteria for a Bishop” – RIW –

Well, Robert, your own lot (RC cardinals and bishops) certainly seem to go for ‘matching outfits’ whenever they concelebrate in Saint Peter’s. Do they get a special ‘set’ for each and every occasion? I wouldn’t mind sharing in the profits from the Vatican Tailor.

13 years ago

When I was at Worcester in the 1950s the Dean wore gaiters as a matter of course in and around the Cathedral close, and in the rest of the city as well. He was a scholarly man, with a considerable interest in church history, and I am sure that he would not have been improperly dressed. In those days cathedral clergy wore surplice, scarf and hood for all services, and I cannot help feeling that this was preferable to the gaudy uniforms that are adopted today. I once came across a delightful comment in one of Archbishop Benson’s published letters.… Read more »

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