Thinking Anglicans

A Census Dilemma for Clergy

It seems that Clergy have no ‘office-holder’ option when they fill in their census forms.
According to an announcement from St Albans diocese (scroll down), and no doubt others:

The Archbishops’ Council says:

(a) We very much regret that The Office for National Statistics has not provided a box that allows non-employee office holders to respond accurately.

(b) Clergy will have to decide whether to tick employee or self-employed, neither of which is accurate.

Considering all the fuss that has been made about the status of clergy as office-holders, this has to count as a #fail for the Archbishops’ Council.

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Justin Lewis-Anthony
14 years ago

Not really a #fail for the Archbishops’ Council: they weren’t the ones designing the Census. More of a #fail for Lockheed Martin and their ilk, as “office-holder” is not a category limited to clergy of the established church.

See “Working out your employment status” (!) at

Ian Black
Ian Black
14 years ago

and how do we describe what we actually do in 34 characters – I look forward to the suggestions flowing below!

Malcolm French+
14 years ago


Richard Gillin
14 years ago

At least one of my twitter pals has filled in the job description as “The cure of souls” – says it all in 17 characters!

14 years ago

In box 26 (employment status) we are asked to tick all that apply – so clergy could hedge their bets and tick employee, self-employed and “none of the above”!

but perhaps the computer would just spit the form out……

Anglican observer
Anglican observer
14 years ago

Richard said: “At least one of my twitter pals has filled in the job description as “The cure of souls” – says it all in 17 characters!”

Yes, but that would have to be recorded as a job-share with the Bishop because at the induction the mandate is given “receive the cure of souls which is both mine and thine”

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

I simply put “Ministry” – says it all in 8 characters! Beat that!

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

‘ministry’ is unbeatable ! Thanks David.

14 years ago

“Announce the kingdom of heaven” 31 characters

Malcolm French
Malcolm French
14 years ago

“Proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven” – 30 characters, and I like “proclaim” better than “announce.”

Laurence C.
Laurence C.
14 years ago

Although this story relates to a Methodist minister, it would appear to have wider implications:

Simon Sarmiento
14 years ago

Possibly. I am going to report on this in a new article quite soon.

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