Thinking Anglicans

Virginians form new ACNA diocese

The Anglican District of Virginia has chosen a new bishop and is forming itself into a new ACNA diocese. These congregations, which previously broke away from the Diocese of Virginia, have until now been part of CANA.

Here are some press releases:

Mid-Atlantic Anglicans Vote to Move Forward with Becoming a New Anglican Church Diocese

+Guernsey Elected for new Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

Virginia Anglicans Vote to Become a Diocese within Anglican Church in North America

The new bishop is the Rt. Rev. John Guernsey. The other candidate was the Ven. Julian M. Dobbs.

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John B. Chilton
13 years ago

CANA says its members all full fledged members of ACNA Thus, I’m not sure what this rearrangement of the deck chairs is about — and I’m a close observer of these machinations. One consequence is that it appears most of the ADV congregations are leaving CANA which means they lose the Nigeria part of what CANA calls its members dual citizenship, something its been quick to defend (as when Abp Okoh early this year said to the press that they weren’t). If anyone has insights I’d be grateful. One last note — a cornerstone of the Virginia CANA churches… Read more »

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
13 years ago

It does rather seem from the acronyms as though they are trying to reach CANAAN …

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Interesting to note that they nearly appointed their latest conscript to the episcopate in ACNA, New Zealander Julian Dobbs, a former clergy-person in the Diocese of Nelson, to be the Front-Person for this faux-diocese. One hopes he isn’t too badly disappointed by being overlooked – to the point that he would want to come back to ACANZP as a bishop! But then, I hope our Church would not encourage it.

Jim Pratt
Jim Pratt
13 years ago

It’s interesting to note that about 10 congregations of ADV are also listed as congregations of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit, of which Guernsey is already bishop. Does he intend to serve both dioceses? (perhaps a financial necessity, that ACNA is finding so many purple shirts expensive?) And has ACNA been double-counting these dual-registered congregations, to boost their numbers?

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
13 years ago

Oh it makes my head ache! I give up trying to sort out all this. I shall leave it to The Creator.

John B. Chilton
13 years ago

Imagine if the headline on the press release had been “CANA members give up dual citizenship.” Subhead: “Turn in Church of Nigeria passport, retain ACNA passport.” I remained puzzled why they’ve given up the dual citizenship they’ve clung to. I note Minns is moving to London to be Gafcon’s PR arm. When the head of CANA is replaced it will be a greatly diminished bloc within ACNA. Minns may prefer for ACNA to be more cohesive. Or is this move motivated by economics — from an economic point of view it makes sense to consolidate insurance and pension plans, and… Read more »

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
13 years ago

The Virginia supreme court sent the Virginia property case back to Judge Bellows who made so many mistakes about Anglicanism in his initial ruling.

No doubt this is to confuse him more!

By the way the TEC lawyers aren’t up to much. I watched their lawyer ( Mary Kostel) at the Georgia Supreme Court and she was asked by one of the Justices what was Georgia property law in 1823. She didn’t know and she is being paid thousands.

13 years ago

Jim Pratt — I am familiar with one of the AVD/Diocese of the Holy Spirit parishes. A little more than a year after its “founding” its ASA remains at 9. Not much help in the double counting department.

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
13 years ago

Yes, the acronyms do make the head spin rather.
Susan, pray tell us what ASA means?

13 years ago

To Jim – The Diocese of the Holy Spirit is/was a non-geographical diocese. The next step for the ACNA is to create geographical dioceses, which this new Mid-Atlantic diocese is. The Diocese of the Holy Spirit will cease to exist, as the scattered parishes are taken into other new geographical dioceses.

13 years ago

Those of us on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean may find the name of the new diocese amusing. To us the term “Mid Atlantic” is very, *very* watery indeed.

13 years ago

Ed, ASA is Average Sunday Attendance

13 years ago

ASA = average Sunday attendance

Richard Warren
Richard Warren
13 years ago

ASA means average Sunday attendance.

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
13 years ago

Appearances? Cleaning up ones act?

Bishop Orombi has maintained a lower profile these days/daze with his cautious moves — no doubt a good idea as the +Orombi named ¨poisoness Episcopal Church¨ is winning property case after property settlement in California and Georgia/beyond — the Rt. Rev. John Guernsey/Uganda HOB is now being repositioned along with Martyn Minns of the CANA crowd — looks like the Bishops and their schismatic Pawns are on the run as the Episcopal ¨Queen¨ clears the chess/mess board.

13 years ago

Leonardo – re “the Bishops and heir schismatic pawns” – I’m not sure who you meant was manipulating whom, but I believe that it was the Americans who courted the Africans, and with “money, so much money” (quoting Orombi)
duced them to play the Ugandan/Kenyan, etc. temporary “African” bishops game.

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