Thinking Anglicans

Parochial Fees Order defeated

As we reported earlier Synod debated the Parochial Fees Order this afternoon. This order proposed revised fees for weddings and funerals from 1 January 2012.

In the debate (on a motion to “consider” the order), most speeches were against various aspects of the new fees order and many alternative, often contradictory, proposals were made. At the end the motion was defeated with 134 votes in favour and 166 votes against, with 18 recorded abstentions.

As a consequence the new order cannot come into effect. Unless and until a new order is approved by Synod the current order, which has applied since 1 January 2011, will continue in force.

Note on procedure
Approval of a fees order takes three stages.
1. Consideration – a general debate
2. Consideration of amendments to the order
3. Approval of the [amended] order
Since the order was defeated at the first stage Synod did not have the opportunity to consider the amendments, of which there were 25.

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Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Good to know that the ‘Mind of Synod’ is against the pressure of market forces to put a higher premium on pastoral services.

Jean Mayland
Jean Mayland
13 years ago

I am absolutely delighted that General Synod refused to increase wedding and funeral fees. I am sure it is the right decision and one small strep towards making it easier for people to come back to churches for the ceremony

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
13 years ago

I have a lot of sympathy with those here who argue that fees should be left to individual churches to decide which might then be flexible enough to deal with those of limited means.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
13 years ago

The problem is that people who want to get married can have a rather limited choice. If you want to run a market model, reduce the barriers to competition. Interestingly our local council has just transferred the crem to a private operator. Their first move to increase revenues is to offer cut price first thing in the morning slots (which are apparently less popular). And their first priority for investment is “front of house”. Same crem, same service, different demand, different price. I mention this because, like one of the speakers in the debate I have two churches. In my… Read more »

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