Thinking Anglicans

Nigerian Anglicans issue Human Rights communiqué

We reported back in May: Primate calls for Nigeria to leave the UN.

Then at the end of June, there were some press reports about a national consultation in Nigeria, for example: Homosexuality: Nigeria’s Anglican church calls for pull out from UN or Homosexuality: Okoh urges FG to quit UN.

Now, the actual communiqué from that conference has been published: COMMUNIQUE ISSUED AT THE END OF THE NATIONAL CONSULTATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS.

While it is critical of the United Nations, it does not include a call for Nigeria to withdraw.

Jim Naughton’s earlier comments about this are still relevant.

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13 years ago

The CoN statement talks about many more things than homosexuality, and that ought to be paid attention to. The newspaper articles have emphasized only this element of the Communique, which is regrettable. Such a narrow focus ironically indicates a refusal to take the CoN seriously. The Sunday Trust article cites the archbishop saying, “If the UN has made itself an agent for the propagation of homosexuality globally, then it is time for us (Nigeria) to pull out of the organisation. This is because the UN has no right to determine for or impose moral standards on us (Nigeria). Let us… Read more »

David G
David G
13 years ago

Maybe it’s time Nigeria join it’s namesake, …North Korea!!

13 years ago

Well, if the United States wasn’t about to be forced into first-ever default on its debt by a small gang of freshman Republicans, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, I’d say the sort of political posturing and grandstanding indulged in by the Nigerian Anglicans was a clear indication that they were not ready for prime time.

But given what’s going on in Washington, I have to say: Neither is the United States government. And the same shadowy right-wing figures are behind the trashing of both church and state.

Fr John
Fr John
13 years ago

It seems clear that right wing fundys both in politics and religion are the enemy of the people. This is clearly seen sadly in Norway, and the bile spewed out of some of the Anglican churches in Africa, But is also seen in the tea party and others in the politics of the USA The ABC ‘s silence, and visits to Africa condons this vile misrepresentation of the Gospel. Let us hear him speak out for the West. Rageh Omaar’s excellent documentary on Muhammad paints a very different understanding of the thinking of the prophet to what we hear from… Read more »

13 years ago

And never a word from Canterbury on this, or on Ghana, though the Archbishop took a mere twelve hours to issue an unfavorable comment of the election of a woman as Presiding Bishop of the Episopcal Church of America.

and still he is silent, when he might give both leadership and comfort to the oppressed. Perhaps he is musing, or he is gone aside, or he is on a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth and must be awaked.

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