Thinking Anglicans

The Future(s) of Anglicanism

Gladstone’s Library is holding a residential event from the evening of Friday 2nd to lunchtime on Sunday 4th September which is titled The Future(s) of Anglicanism.

Is there a distinctive Anglican ethos and does it still survive? What does Anglicanism stand for? Is Anglicanism in danger of splitting apart over contentious issues like gay clergy, divorce, women bishops – the so-called western liberal agenda? The end of Anglicanism as we know it?

Is an Anglican Covenant the answer to our contemporary problems? Amidst all the controversy do we miss signs of hope and vibrancy – and the beginnings of an exciting future?

The speakers are:

  • Bishop Gregory Cameron
  • Jonathan Clatworthy
  • Bishop Gayle Harris
  • Simon Sarmiento
  • Anne Stevens
  • Peter Francis

More details from this page.

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Lauren A. Gough
13 years ago

Ooooh, I would love to come to this! Are there any scholarships, like for air fare? 8>)

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonardo Ricardo
13 years ago

Oh yes! What a brilliant roster of speakers (I especially like the one who sees clearly and speaks fearlessly regarding the Anglican reality and is not ¨self-absorbed¨ with the pectoral cross on her chest)!

Robin Drake
Robin Drake
13 years ago

I’d be happy to go to almost any of the listed courses… wish it were on my side of the pond. I’ll look forward to hearing later comment from participants.

13 years ago

Heh, what Lauren asked! 😉 Would love to be there…

Nixon is Lord
Nixon is Lord
13 years ago

This sounds almost unbelievably tedious, even for Mainline Protestantism.

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
13 years ago

I agree – this sounds like a wonderful gathering. My only difficulty is its location. I wonder if the organisers would agree to move it to St John’s College in Auckland. Then I would come!

Scott MacDougall
Scott MacDougall
13 years ago

For Mr. Sarmiento: Do you think there might be a way to obtain the written remarks of the participants after the fact? This is going to be an amazing set of talks.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

I’m glad that this particular conference at Gladstone’s Library is going to open up the discussion on the Covenant process. Perhaps observers from each of the C.of E. dioceses ought to be given a special invitation to hear what opponents of the Covenant have to say – especially, perhaps, from the point of view of some of those overseas provinces of the Anglican Communion that would be most affected by the disciplinary ethos of this proposed ‘Instrument of Unity’. I am hoping that you, Simon, and those others on the panel who are distrustful of the Covenant process, will give… Read more »

Robert ian Wiliams
Robert ian Wiliams
13 years ago

Record snow fall in CHristchurch ( NZ) so Ron must be having more of a tough year.

As for Gladstone’s library.. I love the statue of Galdstone, which the Irish refused to have in Dublin.

The current Warden has really made the Library come alive.For years it was like a closed convent.

I’m looking forward to meeting some of you in the flesh!

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Actually, Robert, I am presently in the U.K. – in Hampshire – where I have been luxuriating in the beauty of the English countryside, while trying to keep my hand in on the goings-on in the world Church. Thanks, though, for your concern for my colleagues in Christchurch, New Zealand, to which Diana and I will be returning today. I do hope you digested the remarks of ‘Swish New Church’, who seems to be a fellow afficionado of the Roman Catholic Church.
Agape, Fr.Ron

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