Thinking Anglicans

St Paul's Cathedral: more Friday media reports

Updated 10.30 am

Victoria Ward, Jonathan Wynne-Jones and Richard Alleyne Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral resigns in protest at legal action to evict protesters

Victoria Ward George Carey: St Paul’s Cathedral protest damaging Christianity

…It can also be disclosed that a damning report Canon Fraser had been due to publish on Thursday about bankers’ lack of ethics, had been shelved by the cathedral amid concerns that it would only escalate the row…

George Carey The Occupy protest at St Paul’s Cathedral – a parable of our times

Paul Cahalan, Jerome Taylor, Kevin Rawlinson Church shaken to its foundations as row over anti-capitalism protest escalates

Peter Owen-Jones: The Church is now well and truly in the dock

Liam O’Brien: ‘At night, the cold and the bells make sleep impossible’

More material from the Guardian

Sam Jones St Paul’s and Occupy London at odds over reason for cathedral closure

Marina Warner What St Paul’s could learn from Mary, the patron of the Occupy protesters

Steve Bell on Church of England and protest camp at St Paul’s – cartoon

Alexander Chancellor Think the canon who quit St Paul’s is radical? You should have met his predecessor …

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Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
13 years ago

The Rev Peter Ould, a curate at Ware, Herts, added: “It’s an issue of collegiality. This has less to do with Giles Fraser’s theological stance and more to do with the fact that he’s a maverick.”

I thought that Peter Ould was something in the world of finance in Canterbury after failing to get another post in the Church of England (I wonder why?). And wasn’t Jesus a maverick? Isn’t that why he was crucufied? I thought that was the whole point.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
13 years ago

I’m struggling to understand Lord Carey’s view that St Paul’s “was looking in turns like the temple which Jesus cleansed, or the officious risk-averse ’elf ’n’ safety bureaucracy of urban legend”, yet at the same time that the protestors’ occupation of church land is “opportunistic and cynical”.

Does that mean the best situation would be if the church welcomed protestors with open arms while the protesters in turn did the decent thing and not turn up?

So we could all stick to our lofty principles without actually having to live them?
What am I misunderstanding?

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

The Telegraph pieces are ……. interesting …… Firstly there is the undercurrent that Giles was “forced” to resign …. not quite sure about that, but elsewhere it was mentioned that whoever had revealed Giles’ thinking earlier in the week had not been a friend. Then there’s that rather odd comment from Peter Ould – described as a Curate of Ware, when I thought Peter was tragically unemployed. Then there’s the piece purporting to come from the pen of George Carey ……. I just wonder who ghosted most (if not all) of that? Starting with an inaccurate slur that Giles had… Read more »

13 years ago

“What am I misunderstanding?”

Not misunderstanding, but overlooking . . . the name on the piece.

Carey can’t stand for the word “church” to pop up in media without a 15 volume dissertation from him, no matter how meaningless or opportunistic his writing. I really wish they required former ABC’s to retire from public life *entirely*, as a condition for becoming ABC.

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

But the Grauniad’s picture of clean shaven Giles is very naughty, even better than the cartoon of the clerics in mitres and copes leaving the doors of St Paul’s in the dead of night with flame throwers strapped to the backs hoping they might “warm up” some of the frozen campers. Thanks to Alexander Chancellor for reminding us of the wonderful Canon Collins. Perhaps those in foreign places might want to know that this has actually figured on the front pages of several national newspapers – on more than one day – and that it has been a major news… Read more »

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
13 years ago

Martin, I missed Channel 4 News last evening but am now very curious – what was Jon Snow’s question?

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
13 years ago

Peter Ould’s latest posting (for the Huffington Post):-

‘…he will fit in comfortably (in St Martin’s in the Field) or in a number of other set-piece liberal churches. Fraser will have no problem finding a job…’.

– seems to indicate some bitterness that the Church didn’t seem to have a post at a ‘set-piece’ conservative church into which Mr Ould himself would fit.

Old Father William
Old Father William
13 years ago

Richard Ashby: “And wasn’t Jesus a maverick? Isn’t that why he was crucified? I thought that was the whole point.”


Simon Sarmiento
13 years ago

Erika, it’s all available for catch-up here

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