Thinking Anglicans

News reports on the Dean's resignation

Updated Tuesday 8 am

Church Times
Ed Thornton Monday: Dean of St Paul’s resigns

Evening Standard
Tom Harper, Miranda Bryant and Peter Dominiczak Dean who shut St Paul’s resigns: second cleric quits over ‘tent city’ protest

Peter Walker Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral resigns over Occupy London protest row and later version for tomorrow’s paper St Paul’s Cathedral dean resigns over Occupy London protest row

Riazat Butt Graeme Knowles resignation ‘very sad news’, says archbishop of Canterbury

And later, for tomorrow’s paper St Pauls brought to its knees by confusion and indecision

Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral resigns with ‘great sadness’ over Occupy London protest (video)

Victoria Ward Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral resigns over Occupy London protest

And Rowan Williams warns of ‘urgent issues’ raised by protests as third St Paul’s clergyman resigns

Martin Beckford, Victoria Ward and Richard Alleyne St Paul’s Cathedral protesters: cloistered clerics who can only pray for an end to the crisis and also Timeline of the St Paul’s protest

Jerome Taylor St Paul’s dean quits over protest

St Paul’s Dean Graeme Knowles resigns over protests

St Paul’s protesters urged to remove tents

Channel 4 News St Paul’s dean resigns over Occupy London protest

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ROBERT Ian Williams
ROBERT Ian Williams
13 years ago

Resigned as a bishop, resigned as a Dean…will there be any role for this chap?Lets hope the old boys network have have got their thinking caps on.

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
13 years ago

I think it might be wiser at this stage for issues to be separated from personalities. While mistakes have undeniably been made, it is scarcely charitable to make cheap (and ignorant) personal remarks. The Dean did not resign as a bishop. He was asked by the Crown to serve at St Paul’s having been Bishop of Sodor & Man for four years. Much of his ministry had been in cathedral life. And at the age of 60, given the events of the past two weeks he could be forgiven for wanting to retire.

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

The “debate” between Anne Atkins and George Pitcher (BBC Newsnight) this evening was a testimony to the confusion approaching chaos that continues to dog this matter. Later, on the BBC news channel the front pages of Tuesday’s newspapers were being discussed and – yes, believe it or not ALL of them covered the resignation of the Dean in great detail with further coverage “inside”. I did not catch the name of the man who along with the anchor was analysing the coverage, but you could almost feel the discomfort he was in having to give his opinion on the stories.… Read more »

13 years ago

I am intrigued by the Bishop of London’s statement in the Church Times that “while St Paul’s is not on any particular political side – that is not its role – it does have an important part to play in providing a place for reasoned debate within a moral and spiritual context.” Is the Bishop really suggesting that it isn’t the job of the Church to take sides on political matters? I’m inclined to think that it is quite simply impossible for the Church – especially an established church – NOT to take sides on political matters. If it’s not… Read more »

13 years ago

I’m confused.

Supposedly the Dean was leading the charge to evict, and then he realized that the Chapter wouldn’t back him in this. So he resigns. So far, I get it.

But then the Chapter asks the Bishop of London for help in figuring out what to do?

And the Bishop of London, we are given to understand, is just as in favor of eviction as the Dean was?

Am I missing something?

Father David
Father David
13 years ago

Bring back Lucy as Dean of St. Paul’s to restore some sweetness and light.

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
13 years ago

“One does have to wonder if the collapse at St pauls is now completely swamping the issues raised by the campers.” (Martin Reynolds)

Yes, and, at the same time, the St. Paul’s debacle is one and the same with the issues raised by the campers. At the core, the issue is the challenge to the undeserved privilege of entrenched power.

13 years ago

Hello, you may have suppressed the urge to criticise the intro to the big read about St Paul’s (by me) but just to let you know the mistake has been rectified. Cheers.

David Shepherd
13 years ago

“Alas for you, you blind guides, who say, “‘Whoever swears by the Sanctuary it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the Sanctuary, is bound by the oath.’ (Matt. 23:16) The officials at St. Paul’s Cathedral are publicly committed to (sworn by) the gold of the Sanctuary, that is, the physical assets, property and appointments which are in their care. Whatever their spin for public consumption, the clergy there see the physical asset as their primary solemn undertaking, but hope for a compromise. All the while, the moral capital that garners public credibility is depreciating rapidly towards spiritual… Read more »

13 years ago

Fascinating Christian analysis on ‘The Real Battle for St Pauls’ here on the Fulcrum website:

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
13 years ago

Reading the Gospel today for All Saints – the Beatitudes – reminded me of the thousands of schools around the country where children are being taught “christian values” – the values inherent in Christian discipleship. One question about the situation at St Paul’s could be: “What could the people involved now do to exemplify Christian values to our children?” … just looking for some key to get some constructive forward movement.

13 years ago

Lois Keen sums up the whole issue splendidly.

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