Thinking Anglicans

Child protection enquiry in Diocese of Chichester

Updated Saturday morning

Lambeth Palace has issued this “press advisory”:

The Archbishop of Canterbury today set up an enquiry into the operation of the diocesan child protection policies in the Diocese of Chichester.

He has appointed Bishop John Gladwin and Chancellor Rupert Bursell QC to carry out the enquiry. They will advise the Archbishop on any steps that need to be taken to ensure the highest possible standards of safeguarding in the diocese. This will involve examining current child protection arrangements as well as making recommendations for the future. They will make a preliminary report to the Archbishop by the end of February 2012.

The Bishop of Chichester, the Rt Revd John Hind, has given his full support to the enquiry.

The step which the Archbishop has taken is an Archiepiscopal Visitation under Canon C 17. Bishop John Gladwin and Chancellor Rupert Bursell QC have been appointed as the Archbishop’s commissaries under Canon C 17.

The Diocese of Chichester has issued Archbishop’s Child Protection Enquiry:

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, today set up a visitation of the operation of the Church of England’s Child Protection policies in the Diocese of Chichester.

He has appointed Bishop John Gladwin and Chancellor Rupert Bursell QC to carry out the enquiry. They will advise the Archbishop on any steps that need to be taken to ensure the highest possible standards of safeguarding in the diocese. This will involve examining current child protection arrangements as well as making recommendations for the future. They will make a preliminary report to the Archbishop by the end of February 2012.

The Bishop of Chichester, the Rt Revd John Hind, has given his full support to the enquiry. He said: “Our diocesan staff have been in constant touch with Lambeth Palace over the last year and this is now the outcome of those discussions. We welcome this Visitation as an opportunity to resolve a number of issues in the implementation of best safeguarding practice in the Diocese and more widely, and should also contribute to the response of the Church to the pain victims have experienced as a result of abuse. We trust that it will add to the progress the Diocese has already made and will help to continue to establish robust safeguarding practices.

I expect full cooperation with the Archbishop’s Commissaries. I hope that after my retirement at the end of April 2012, the Diocese will have firm foundations on which the new bishop will be able to build in leading the Diocese in the future.”

Neither of these press releases refer to any earlier events, which were last reported here in this article: BBC challenges accuracy of Chichester sex abuse report which includes a link to this diocesan page responding to the earlier reports from Baroness Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.

And most recently by the BBC in this: Bishop of Lewes, the Rt Rev Wallace Benn may face misconduct probe.

Today’s announcement is reported by the BBC as: Lambeth Palace launches diocese child protection inquiry.

Canon C 17 can be found here (PDF).

Further press reports:

Press Association Church child policies probe set up

AFP Church of England orders child abuse inquiry

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13 years ago


Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
13 years ago

‘Prayers’ for the victims yes, for those who temporised, covered up, misled and were negligent, resignation at the least. Can Wallace Benn survive until he retires in August? One might have thought that resignation was the only option for him now.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
13 years ago

maybe their campaigning baroness can assist ?

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