Thinking Anglicans

opinion for Epiphany

Savi Hensman writes for Ekklesia about David Cameron and Richard Dawkins: misunderstanding Christianity.

Peter Oborne writes about The return to religion in The Telegraph. “With the chill wind of austerity blowing through the country, religion’s warm embrace looks more and more inviting.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury gave this New Year Message on BBC television. You can watch it here.

Greg Carey in the Huffington Post asks What Does The Book Of Revelation Really Mean?

The Economist has published this leader: Christians and lions. “The world’s most widely followed faith is gathering persecutors. Even non-Christians should worry about that.”

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that Detectives don’t replace God: they seek him.

Gary Nicolosi in the Anglican Journal poses Seven questions every church should ask.

The Church of England has launched a competition to Design a Church Chair! Scott Gunn has some suggestions: Um, chairs?

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Steve Lusk
Steve Lusk
13 years ago

Re “Um, chairs?” In 2009 Jerry Fodor offered this diagnosis of the chair problem: “although there is a problem about how so many different things can all be chairs, philosophy can fix it: there is only one chair that is REALLY a chair, the Chair on which no one can sit; the One Chair that is in Heaven.” It follows then that the chair that can be designed is not the true Chair but a non-chair, and thus any old non-chair is as good as any other non-chair. And we already have plenty of those.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

I like Greg Carey’s first essay into the problems associated with a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation as having a direct application to the situation of the Church in our own day and age. This, surely is the problem of the ‘sola scriptura’ school, that wants to connect the sad reality of natural disasters to the perceived sinfulness of some particular group of human beings calculated by them to be acting in some way contrary to what they (the S.S. believers) thing ought to be the scriptural ‘norm’. If anything, such an outlook is counter-productive of the mission… Read more »

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