Thinking Anglicans


Simon Jenkins writes about his Epiphany in a bookshop. His article prompted this editorial at Anglicans Online.

Giles Fraser compares his new surroundings in the Guardian newsroom with his former workplace at St Paul’s Cathedral: Thinking Aloud podcast: a period of noisy reflection.
And in his weekly Church Times column he writes that Atheists can’t borrow the clothes of true faith.

Savi Hensman writes for Ekklesia about Women bishops and the church’s core purpose.

Martin Beckford in The Telegraph asks Will the Church of England ever find peace? “Arguments about women bishops will dominate public proceedings of the Synod, but gay marriage is one of the burning issues behind the scenes.”

Andrew Brown writes for The Guardian about Anglican Mainstream and the enemies of Christianity. “The anti-gay group deserves the censure it has received – unlike a small Evangelical Christian group in Bath.”

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peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
13 years ago

I wish to throw a yellow flag on Giles Fraser. I’ve often enjoyed his columns reprinted here, but his latest about atheist worship has unsportsmanlike conduct. He starts out by talking about atheist worship in the French Revolution taking place amidst the Great Terror — and then says the subject of his essay shouldn’t be seen in this light. Then why did Fr. Fraser bring it up in the first place? It’s like a phenomenon — which has probably taken place in courtrooms on both sides of the Atlantic — where an attorney asks the witness in a jury trial… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Martin Beckford seems to have a finger on the pulse of the current situation in the C. of E. on arttitudes towards Same-Sex Partnerships. It just seems crazy that, though there are already such partnerships in the Church – whether closetted or in the open – the hierarchy cannot get their episcopal heads around it. Thank God for a Bishop with the courage of +Salisbury, being willing to put his head above the parapet. Let’s pray it doesn’t get snowballed by obfuscation at Synod.

Laurence C.
Laurence C.
13 years ago

“Let’s pray it doesn’t get snowballed” Fr Ron Smith

I’m sure Dr. Lisa Nolland of Anglican Mainstream would echo that sentiment.

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

The demise of Anglican Mainstream as it collapses into the pit of evil it has stirred up is very welcome.

It is surely only months away from leveling charges of witchcraft against its opponents, or perhaps this has already happened?

Why otherwise would so few have turned up for their meeting?

Laurence C.
Laurence C.
13 years ago

“The demise of Anglican Mainstream as it collapses into the pit of evil it has stirred up is very welcome” Martin Reynolds

Indeed. And whatever happened to the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans that was launched with such fanfare over 3 years ago? I joined it at its inception (merely to monitor just how ghastly it was) and have received one email from them during the entire period – no newsletters, no updates for members – nothing. Its website appears all but dead apart from details of a ‘Leadership Conference’ in April which can be attended by invitation only.

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