Thinking Anglicans

more reactions to the Sentamu interview

There is a news report in the Church Times of reactions to the Archbishop of York’s interview by Madeleine Davies headlined Sentamu’s words on gay marriage backed by MPs.

Benny Hazlehurst, who is quoted in that news story, has published God, Marriage and the State giving more background on how marriage has changed.

For more on the demonstration outside York Minster, see local press reports here, and here.

The Church Times has a leader: In the end, it comes down to a word.

…It is good that the C of E is examining its earlier reserva­tions about civil partnerships. Experience has proved them to be serious affairs, with many qualities — dedication, nurture, love, faithfulness — that look like marriage. Libby Purves has quoted the saying: “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck… it probably is a duck… People who want to marry and treat one another properly should not be made second-class.” If Dr Sentamu and others wish to argue differently, they need to make a stronger case for discriminating against same-sex couples than merely appealing to “tradition and history”.

The Spectator has splashed out with a cover story headlined Sentamu for Canterbury!

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
13 years ago

““It will have all sorts of ramifica­tions. If you consider what is being taught in schools, children are going to have to be taught a whole different aspect to marriage, because we are rede­fining it.” I don’t recall my children ever being “taught” what marriage is. Anyway, it shouldn’t be too difficult to “teach” that it is the union of two people rather than the union of a man and a woman. I think most British children will not find it too complicated to get their heads around that. They will probably find it a lot easier than adults who… Read more »

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
13 years ago

The governor of Washington in the US, made this remarkable statement “As governor, I believe the state of Washington cannot be in the business of discrimination. As an American, a wife and mother, marriage equality is fair, just, and right. And it is time.”
I love that statement and wish it serves as an encouragement to David Cameron and a lesson to Archbishop John Santamu over his homophobia and discriminating politics.

Leonardo Ricardo
13 years ago

A cry was heard throughout the hemisphere (Western)…the idea that Archbishop Sentamu could/would become the ABC is a chilling thought indeed…meanwhile, LGBT Anglicans in UGANDA, Nigeria, Jamaica and Honduras/beyond are persecuted, tormented, demeaned and demonized…simultanteously the ¨Lord of York¨ visits Jamaica last week and assures us that high ranking clergy ought be held accountable for MISDEEDS! Just what kind of a high ranking clergyperson prefers to wander about (or skydive into) the shallow waters of ¨propriety¨ while everyday sharks are devouring his sheep in the deep Anglican waters of ignorance and hatred? Bishop John is a outdated selective thinker/preacher and… Read more »

13 years ago

My personal view is that Benny Hazlehurst is far better qualified to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury than Sentamu, Chartres, or Wright, all alike deeply compromised figures.

13 years ago

“Sentamu for Canterbury!”

Ignorant Yank here. I read the article, and I STILL can’t tell if it’s a joke (British humor—I mean, “humour”—sometimes has this effect on me).

Sentamu should RESIGN York for his disgraceful, made-in-fatally-homophobic-Jamaica remarks, and FORGET about Canterbury! >:-(

13 years ago

It might be useful to quote Bishop Rickel, of the Diocese of Olympia (which includes Seattle) as Washington State moves toward legalizing marriage equality:

“They are not asking for special treatment. They are asking for equal treatment. They are asking to be accountable, as a couple, in community. To me, this is a conservative proposal. I am for it, and I hope we will finally make way for this to happen, not only in our society, but also in our church.”

Courage, clarity, compassion…

Father ron Smith
13 years ago

Are the hierarchy of the Church of England now in a cleft-stick? Is their wariness about Blessing Same-Sex Partnerships going to end in (their)tears – with the possibility of being expected to perform Same-Sex Marriages?

Is the Church being of help, pastorally, towards the LGBT community on this important matter – or merely a barrier to God’s all-prevailing Love?

All questions relating to pastoral effectiveness.

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