Thinking Anglicans

Archbishop of Canterbury and women bishops

The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke during this (Wednesday) morning’s debate on women bishops. There is a video, an audio file, and a transcript of what he said on his website.

Archbishop Rowan speaks in Synod debate on women bishops

In his remarks the Archbishop spoke about at two things.

First then – I’d like to pick up some of the questions that were asked yesterday about this question of ‘derivation’ and ‘delegation’, and see if that can be clarified at all for members of Synod.


Now, the second point relates to the second principle that I enunciated at the beginning – provision for minorities that respects theological integrity and pastoral continuity.

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“provision for minorities that respect theological integrity and pastoral continuity.” – the ABC – How does opposition to the prospect of ordaining women bishops (when the principle has already been accepted by previous meetings of General Synod) measure up to this standard: theological integrity and pastoral continuity. The Church of England – like most other Province of the Anglican Communion – has already accepted that God calls women into priestly and pastoral ministry in the Church. If this is the basic problem for this particular ‘minority’ where is their ‘theological integrity’ in continuing to rebel against the constitution of the… Read more »

Oliver Nicholson
Oliver Nicholson
13 years ago

The Church of England also accepted that there were two integrities in this matter and that those in the minority would continue to be respected. Even a disinterested observer finds it scarcely surprising that those in the minority are alarmed when the attitude of those who disagree with them appears to be “Upon Philistia will I triumph, over Edom will I cast out my shoe”.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Theologically speaking, surely there cannot ever be 2 integrities? There can only be one integrity – that which is just and right. Of course, there can be more than one view of what is just and right.

But ‘Two integrities’? That was the first mistake.

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