Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – voting on women bishops legislation

Earlier today I linked to the electronic voting lists from this month’s Church of England General Synod. I have now consolidated the three votes on various aspects of the women bishops legislation into a single spreadsheet. This is available as a web page and as an xls spreadsheet.

My consolidated list includes all voting members of Synod and shows whether they voted for or against the motion, or recorded an abstention. A blank indicates that the member did not vote (perhaps because he/she was absent).

These were the motions before Synod on Wednesday 8 February.

The Manchester motion

13 That this Synod call upon the House of Bishops, in exercise of its powers under Standing Order 60(b), to amend the draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure in the manner proposed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York at the Revision Stage for the draft Measure.

The Southwark amendment to item 13

35 Leave out all the words after “That this Synod” and insert
“(a) noting the significant support the draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure has received in the Houses of Bishops, Clergy and Laity of diocesan synods, and
(b) desiring that the draft Measure be returned to the Synod for consideration on the Final Approval Stage substantially unamended so that it can be seen if the proposals embodied in it in the form in which it has been referred to the dioceses can attain the level of support required to achieve Final Approval,
request the House of Bishops not to exercise its power under Standing Order 60(b) to amend the draft Measure.”.

The Spiers amendment to item 35

36 Leave out all the words after “request the House of Bishops” and insert
“in the exercise of its power under Standing Order 60(b) not to amend the draft Measure substantially.”

The motions were voted on in reverse order.

Item 36 was carried in a vote by houses.

  For Against Abstentions
Bishops 40 5 1
Clergy 122 70 1
Laity 107 85 4

Item 35 (as amended by 36) was then carried in a vote by house.

  For Against Abstentions
Bishops 26 16 5
Clergy 128 64 0
Laity 111 85 1

Item 13 (as amended by 35 as amended by 36) was then carried on a show of hands.

The motion before Synod on Thursday 9 February was

502 That the Synod do take note of this Report

where the report was that about final drafting. In effect the motion was asking Synod to approve the final drafting of the legislation. The motion was carried in a vote by houses.

  For Against Abstentions
Bishops 28 0 2
Clergy 149 14 8
Laity 132 37 10
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13 years ago

Worrying (from a pro-women perspective) is the number of the house of clergy who are clearly against the ordination of women bishops who voted for the final motion.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Looking in on Wilf’s comment – above: there could be several reason for anti-women clergy voting for the Ordination of Women Bishops. Some might be: 1. They realise the measure is unstoppable and have decided to be loyal to the Church of England. 2. They hope the Measure passes, but are betting that their approval will occasion more votes for an extra-special concession for PEVs with their own authority. OR: 3. They have experienced a ‘change of heart’ about women in ministry, and will hope the the working of the Holy Spirit will clarify the situation. One hopes that the… Read more »

13 years ago

One of the speakers in the final debate was an ex-lawyer who is now ordained. His view was the final vote was about the accuracy of the final drafting. That is whether is reflected what Synod has asked for, not whether he agreed with what Synod had asked for. He was clear is was not a vote on the principle. I wish I could recall his name!

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
13 years ago

Face reality..this is going to be narrowly defeated. However like white Rhodesia , they can hold the things back and delay, but in the end they will lose everything.

bryan harding
bryan harding
13 years ago

So the Church of England has now voted to turn itself into a sect and has severed itself irrevocably from both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“So the Church of England has now voted to turn itself into a sect and has severed itself irrevocably from both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.” – Bryan Harding –

But not from God in Christ. Thanks be to God!

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