Thinking Anglicans

Dean of St Paul's

updated Tuesday afternoon

From the Number 10 website this morning.

Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Very Reverend David John Ison, BA, PhD, Dean of Bradford, in Bradford Diocese, to be appointed to the Deanery of the Cathedral of Saint Paul in London

The Queen has approved the nomination of the Very Reverend David John Ison, BA, PhD, Dean of Bradford, in Bradford Diocese, to be appointed to the Deanery of the Cathedral of Saint Paul in London, on the resignation of the Very Reverend Graeme Paul Knowles, AKC, on 31 October 2011.

Notes for Editors

The Very Reverend Dr David Ison (aged 57) was born and brought up in Brentwood, Essex. After taking a Combined Studies degree at the University of Leicester he trained for ordination at St John’s College, Nottingham. He served his title at St Nicholas and St Luke Deptford in the diocese of Southwark from 1979 to 1985, while also writing a PhD in church history at King’s College, London to develop skills to work in training people for ministry. From 1985 to 1988 he was Lecturer at the Church Army Training College in Blackheath. In 1988 he became Vicar at Potters Green in the diocese of Coventry, where he worked to physically and spiritually rebuild the church. In 1993 he moved to Exeter as Diocesan Continuing Ministerial Education Officer to take on a variety of roles in training and supporting clergy in their ministry, and in 1995 also became a Residentiary Canon at Exeter Cathedral. Since 2005 he has been Dean of Bradford, where he has enabled the Cathedral to play a significant role in the life of the city and the diocese of Bradford.

David is married to Hilary, who is also an ordained priest and works in London for the Church of England’s Ministry Division. They have two married daughters and two sons, and became grandparents two years ago.

His interests include history and current affairs, interfaith relations, DIY and scuba diving; and he drives a kit-car he made himself.

The Diocese of Bradford has this story: The Dean of Bradford to be Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral.

St Paul’s Cathedral has this, Appointment of David Ison as Dean of St Paul’s, and notes that he will be installed as Dean on Friday 25 May 2012.


Diocese of London New Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral announced

BBC Dean of Bradford to head St Paul’s Cathedral

and three reports based on a piece by Martha Linden for the Press Assoication
The Guardian New dean appointed at St Paul’s Cathedral
Yorkshire Post Dean of Bradford appointed to St Paul’s
Independent David Ison appointed St Paul’s new dean

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Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Seeing that the Diocese of Bradford voted FOR The Covenant. I wonder how the current Dean of Bradford voted? And how will his voting preference affect his new job as Dean of Saint Paul’s, I wonder?

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
13 years ago

“Seeing that the Diocese of Bradford voted FOR The Covenant. I wonder how the current Dean of Bradford voted? And how will his voting preference affect his new job as Dean of Saint Paul’s, I wonder?” Ron, I imagine that David Ison’s views on the covenant were among the least significant criteria in the minds of those who made this appointment, and given all the other massive problems he picks up at St Paul’s, I doubt that those views will pay a big role one way or the other. You will note that David spent some time in a parish… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
13 years ago

I am sure all here wish God’s blessing on the new Dean and the people of St Paul’s!

Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
13 years ago

Sure seems BIZARRE as a Canadian Anglican that the government would be involved in Church notices; thank god we have moved on to separation of Church and State here.

13 years ago

I imagine this is the first Dean in the long history of St Paul’s to have trained at St John’s, Nottingham. Dean Ison’s appointment further highlights the growing number of current senior clergy in the C of E who trained at St John’s, Trinity College, Bristol, Wycliffe Hall and Ridley Hall.

13 years ago

I’m sure we would all want to offer Dean Ison our prayers and best wishes as he takes on what must surely be an exceptionally challenging job.

Philip Hobday
Philip Hobday
13 years ago

The involvement of the Crown and Government is now almost entirely nominal; appointments to Deaneries are made after advertising, then shortlisting and interviewing by a selection panel. The last real power of choice – to nominate diocesan bishops from a list of two candidates – was given up in 2007. Although the State’s power to choose individuals is now gone, there is some benefit to its ongoing involvement: (1) In the Church of England diocesan bishops have a good deal of power, particularly over appointments. The involvement of a senior lay Anglican, appointed by and answerable to the State rather… Read more »

13 years ago

A very small point. But this bit of the press release struck me as a little strange: “They have two married daughters and two sons.” Why would anyone be interested in the marital status of the daughters? And what about the sons?

american piskie
american piskie
13 years ago

To Philip Hobday’s list we might add the most practical of all:

(4) Deans are paid by the Church Commissioners, a body which is the creature of the State and not of the Church, so it’s only fair that the State should (in the last resort) make the decision.

I too think it’s bizarre, but it’s a consequence of the confiscation of the historic cathedral and diocesan endowments by the Statre in the 19th Cent.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

From what I’ve heard recently of David Ison, it would seem he is equipped for his new role as Dean of Saint Paul’s. His heart is in the right place!

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