Thinking Anglicans


Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times writes Beyond two dimensions: fail better.

Nick Baines has preached a sermon about The Spread of Truth.

Alicia Jo Rabins writes in The Huffington Post about Esther, Vashti And Other Badass Women In The Bible.

Also in The Huffington Post Matthew L Skinner asks John 2:13-22: Where Can God Be Found?

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Rosemary Hannah
13 years ago

Very moved by Giles Fraser’s piece – so familiar. And it is endless harder, it seems. But then courage comes to seem one of the chief of the virtues, the one which enables the others. I hope he knows that his sacrifice has enabled others of us to hold our heads high with our friends.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

I, too, found Giles Fraser’s offering quite affecting. In our city of Christchurch, New Zealand, in the aftermath of Quakes and After-shocks, the Cathedral has been de-consecrated. This has led to emotional conflict in the local community – between those who feel the original plan of the Cathedral should be replicated in a new or heavily-renovated copy of the original; and those who (like me) feel that, in view of the destruction that has occurred, a newer, more contemporary building should be planned for the future. I feel, like Fr. Giles, that there is a need to move on from… Read more »

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