Thinking Anglicans

Archbishop prays with the Pope

Anglican Communion News Service reports: Roman vespers unite Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury in prayer.

Anglicans and Roman Catholics share a somewhat turbulent history, but differences were brushed aside March 10 when Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI prayed together during an ecumenical vespers service at San Gregorio Magna al Celio in Rome.

The service marked the 1000th anniversary of the founding of Italy’s Camaldoli monastic community, which includes a presence at San Gregorio, a site of major significance to the origins of the Church of England.

Both Christian leaders, who held a private meeting earlier in the day to discuss human rights issues and concerns for the Holy Land, delivered a homily during the vespers and lit candles together in the chapel of St. Gregory…

Lambeth Palace has these texts:

Archbishop’s homily at Papal Vespers, San Gregorio Magno al Celio

Monastic Virtues and Ecumenical Hopes – Archbishop’s address at San Gregorio Magno

Archbishop’s sermon at St Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome

Monks and Mission: a perspective from England address at the Abbey of Monte Cassino

Episcopal News Service has Video: Archbishop of Canterbury preaches at Rome’s Episcopal church

Vatican Radio has these:

Full text: Pope Benedict XVI at ecumenical Vespers

Pope and Archbishop Williams discuss human rights, evangelisation and Middle East

And there is a transcript of the Vatican Radio interview here.

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Eleanor Braun
Eleanor Braun
13 years ago

I’m looking forward to the day when Archbishop Rowan Williams prays with his fellow bishops, Gene Robinson and Mary Glasspool.

13 years ago

Rumour has it Benny dislikes the ring-kissing business. Maybe Rowan restrained himself this time?

Concerned Anglican
Concerned Anglican
13 years ago

Has the Archbishop of Canterbury been kissing the Pope’s ring again? … that clearly is a mark of deference to a bishop he (RW) considers a higher authority and it won’t wash with the majority of Anglicans.

How did it all end like this? Back in 2003 when he was first appointed hopes were so high, now many are thinking that he’s done a Lambeth and his ten years are up next year. He has sacrificed or possibly reneged on most of his dearly held views … so where would he be most comfortable? Does the ordinariate beckon?

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
13 years ago

I’m with Eleanor Braun. Thanks, Eleanor.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

No doubt Papa Benedict is as keen as ++Rowan on the Covenant ethos in the Anglican Communion. He might think it could speed up the reconciliation process.

However, even without the Covenant, the Pope’s invitation does augur well for signs of a willingness to continue in dialogue with Anglicans – despite the deep differences between us on matters of ministry and gender and sexuality.

Perhaps the Anglican Churches can help our Roman Catholic sisters and brothers to bridge the gap between patriarchy and the modern world. God does work in mysterious ways God’s wonders to perform!

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
13 years ago

Jazz Vespers have become very popular, but I’m thinking not in this case, right. I just don’t see B-16 and His Grace swayin to the wailin.

13 years ago

Hear, hear, Eleanor! (Pre-announced and in public—in an English cathedral. All fully vested.)

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

“Has the Archbishop of Canterbury been kissing the Pope’s ring again?” – ‘concerned Anglican –

Well, if it was good enough for Saint Francis of Assisi to embrace a leper…..! Rowan’s kissing of the Pope’s ring might just be a sign of common brother/sisterhood in Christ, don’t you think? At least, it’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
13 years ago

Hear, hear, Eleanor Braun — and JCF at 7:12 — with all the formalities normally deployed for the occasion.

John Bowles
John Bowles
13 years ago

It appals me to see Archbishop Williams consistently vilified by so many disloyal, mediocre Anglicans. His tragedy is that from the moment of his appointment he has been buried in the squalor of the problems of the Anglican Communion and has consistently been publically compromised. He had the makings of being another Michael Ramsey, being a man of prayer and an orthodox theologian of great distinction. He is far too good for the job and I wish he would return to academia. He does not deserve the Church of England in its present rebarbative form. There is nobody of real… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
13 years ago

Rowan seems to be in Rome, more than my bishop…its rather like an extended ad limina visit.

Leonardo Ricardo
13 years ago

There is nobody of real distinction to succeed him.¨ JB

Maybe we will see the candidates better if they shave…look for the unwooly ones who will offer not only a fresh FACE but a fresh GRACE!

13 years ago

“His tragedy is that from the moment of his appointment he has been buried in the squalor of the problems of the Anglican Communion and has consistently been publically compromised.”

No, his tragedy – which has become all our tragedy – is that he *is* a mediocre Anglican, a mediocre priest, and a self-serving technocrat. As with most such appointments, a man with no particular talent other than self-promotion got the job.

david rowett
12 years ago

I’ve much sympathy with John Bowles’ comments. ++Rowan has made mistakes, not all out of ill advice, but he did inherit a nest of vipers, an impending financial crisis and the very heights of muscle-flexing by the ConsEv fringes. I dread to think whom we’ll get next.

Simon Sarmiento
12 years ago

Mark, I think we are ALL mediocre Anglicans….

But those who were unimpressed by the amount of effort that went into organising this Roman visit will no doubt be even less impressed by this announcement

12 years ago

I’m not a mediocre Anglican . . . I’m an Episcopalian. That’s my denomination. Anglicans belong to the Church of England, and that’s one of the reasons I dislike that remnant of Empire, the “Anglican” communion. Roman Catholics can be Roman because they are under authority to the bishop of Rome. I am not, nor is anyone outside the CofE’s structure, subject to the authority of Canterbury.

John Bowles
John Bowles
12 years ago

Simon Sarmiento Why are you unimpressed by the Pope’s invitation to Archbishop Williams to give an address on evangelisation in Rome? I would interpret this as recognition of his theological distinction. Theology occupies a minor place in Anglican discourse these days which is,I suggest,one reason why the Archbishop is not valued or understood. Petty politics have taken its place and the Archbishop is forced into a net from which he is unable to escape. I am thankful that he continues to write and lecture to the benefit of the few who are able to appreciate his work. I suggest that… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
12 years ago

I did not say that I was among the unimpressed. I referred specifically to “those who were”. Clearly from some of the comments here, such people do exist.

american piskie
american piskie
12 years ago

How long before this is renamed Vile and Vituperative Anglicans? I see less and less evidence of “thinking” here, more and more anargued personal abuse. Despite my complete solidarity with its position on the substantive presenting issue, I am growing ashamed of my sacramental roots in PECUSA as I read these constant ad hominem attacks on Rowan. I had hoped that Simon K’s remarks on a previous thread had silenced these, but alas, no. Relax, we’re anglicans not papists, and therefore the stance of even the ABC does not finally matter. The great arguments in the anglican communion about important… Read more »

12 years ago

Your outrage indicates that I’ve struck a nerve, John Bowles. Rowan Williams’ actions speak for themselves. If you can show my “libel” – please do so. He has been absolutely ineffectual at keeping the communion together – which he claims is his primary task – thus, a mediocre ABC. He has failed – utterly failed – to minister to those in a position of the outcast by excluding gays and lesbians and insulting them ham-handedly at every turn, at the same time alienating the African contingent with a seemingly patronizing attitude. Thus, a mediocre priest. He has constantly held up… Read more »

12 years ago

American Piskie, See above. The things you argue as important issues are handled better without ecclesial involvement, as the AC has muddied and obstructed, rather than aided – or you may, of course, prove otherwise – in these issues; or are issues which are “important” only subjectively, and bring no advancement to either human transformation or understanding. I understand the points of your argument – though it may be considered vile and vituperative in its own right (how liberals turn on their own while bending over backwards to the right-wing!) – however, these are points which *you* hold as important,… Read more »

12 years ago

Listen, I know what I’m saying to you is painful, but life is pain. I don’t have the time to dance sideways, sideways, ever sideways and maybe make my point in a few decades. I understand the anger and hatred directed at me for saying things as I do, but I don’t have the time left for it. You want me to tell you what you want to hear, to give you the polite, considerate answers you want, to lie to you and tell you it will all be allright. It won’t, and I can’t make shipwreck of my soul… Read more »

12 years ago


The comments on your site shame your blog, and to be honest, call the usefulness of your site into question.

For Eleanor, I couldn’t care less about your Episcopalian bishops. This isn’t meant as a slight, but they have no impact on my ecclesial life.

I am a member of the Province of Canterbury, and like many of those who have gone before me, I care profoundly about the restoration of visible unity and communion with the Sees of East and West – a hope that has shaped the actions of many Archbishops of Canterbury, including Michael Ramsey.

12 years ago

“I couldn’t care less about your Episcopalian bishops. This isn’t meant as a slight, but they have no impact on my ecclesial life.”

There you go, American Piskie.

Though I had a much longer, well-reasoned response that got lost, apparently, that pretty much shows you right there – this divorce is finalized.

ED NOTE: I rescued your earlier comment from the Junk file.

12 years ago

How any intelligent individual with access to the history of the politics that established and strengthened the papacy can rabbit on about the bishop of Rome’s being “charged with the petrine ministry” is utterly beyond me.

american piskie
american piskie
12 years ago

Mark Brunson wrote: %%%% “I couldn’t care less about your Episcopalian bishops. This isn’t meant as a slight, but they have no impact on my ecclesial life.” There you go, American Piskie. %%%% I have no idea why this is addressed to me, I am not conscious of having expressed a view here on any of the bishops of the US Episcopal Church. I had attempted to reply to earlier posts so: Mark Brunson has explained why he thinks Dr Williams is a mediocre Archbishop of Canterbury, a mediocre priest, and a self-serving technocrat. I am not clear why he… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
12 years ago

Here in less than 400 words is a rejoinder John Bowles defense of Archbishop Williams. Williams is clearly an incredibly bright lad with a first rate education. He appears indefatigable in his commitment to Christ’s Church and The Communion. I have quoted him (not often mind you) on my own small parochial scale, for example, from his address on The Day of Prayer and Action for Children. (One hope Williams will raise his concerns about vulnerable children with His Holiness). At St. Paul’s Within the Walls, Williams describes the temple that the irascible Jesus confronts as a place where priests… Read more »

An Ashamed
An Ashamed
12 years ago

It is most unpleasant experience ever in TA site with this thread. As an Episcopalian, I feel ashamed with some rude episcopalians here to humiliate ABC. I don’t agree with ABC in all things and even am very critical of his dealing with the Anglican Covenant and others, but still he is one of most prayerful persons and great teachers in our Communion. We all are not perfect yet, but God will make us on someday. Till then, we all pilgrim and need to respect our brothers and sisters in the road to God’s perfection. Some rude episcopalians’ attitude consequently… Read more »

12 years ago

Then you need to decide who of us you want *out* so you can have the Romans *in*, okay? Because they are not compatible, and you won’t have this glorious one world church, ever. Sorry. Simply the facts. Tell us to leave so you can get with Rome and the Orthodox. I, personally, would be glad of the honesty, and I think it would be the bitter medicine that most of us in the gay spectrum and those seriously supporting us would need to realize what I have found growing confirmation of for years – we are not wanted in… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
12 years ago

I submitted a comment on this set of articles, including a comment on the Sermon at St. Paul’s within the Walls, but it seems to have disappeared into hyper-space. The gist of it was posted this a.m. over at Epsicopal Cafe.

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