Thinking Anglicans


Sarah Dylan Breuer writes: Don’t make me Moses: On spiritually hazardous uses of models and metaphors.

Andrew Nunn (the Dean of Southwark) preached this sermon at the Consecration of the Bishops of Croydon and Woolwich.

Peter Price (the Bishop of Bath and Wells) preached this sermon at a commemoration service for Archbishop Oscar Romero: Church ‘obsessed with morality at the expense of justice’.

Paul Brandeis interviewed Elaine Pagels for The Huffington Post: Elaine Pagels’ New Book Offers ‘Revelations’ On The Book Of Revelation.

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12 years ago

I very much enjoyed Bishop Price’s sermon commemorating Archbishop Oscar Romero. I second his idea that moralism (as opposed to morality) has replaced justice in the churches these days.
I would go even further and say that this preoccupation with sex provides a convenient moralizing camouflage for the already rich and powerful as they seek to confiscate what is left to the poor and the middle class. It seems to me that some priests are out to bamboozle their charges into believing that somehow they deserve to be robbed.

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