Thinking Anglicans


Richard Beck asks us to Let Them Both Grow Together.

Christopher Howse for The Telegraph has been on A journey with Nikolaus Pevsner to the very edge of Englishness to see a 12th-century font and a 1902 church.

Giles Fraser in The Guardian asks Why should spirituality prioritise the needs of the busy?

Also in The Guardian Andrew Brown writes about A vicar’s war against English Heritage Christianity.

Symon Hill of Ekklesia writes about Trusting in what is not real.

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David Shepherd
12 years ago

Richard Beck piece is thought provoking, but unsound. Of course we must be tolerant, but is tolerance the same as connivance or pretending that the narcosis of darnel and the sustenance of wheat are one and the same? They may each satisfy different kinds of hunger. The same One who cried, ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’ on behalf of the mob scandalised by His alleged blasphemy against the temple, ALSO denounced those who contrived the slander and publicly professed a greater insight that was unfairly critical of His own, ‘If you were blind, you would… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

“Also, in Christ’s explanation, the field is the world, the order of society, not the church.
– David Shepherd –

The field of Christ’s mission always is ‘the world’ The Church ought to be looking outwards towards the world’s real needs – not it own internal wrangling – or, indeed, its more miserable view of faithful human relationships! The Gospel is Good News for ALL, not just the ‘favoured’ few.

Lapinbizarre/Roger Mortimer
Lapinbizarre/Roger Mortimer
12 years ago

Slow getting here but much enjoyed Howse’s Herefordshire piece. Hereford, BTW, is still pronounced “Herford” in the US (cows).

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