Thinking Anglicans

General Synod and women bishops

Updated Tuesday

Two press reports look at what might happen to the women bishops legislation at next month’s General Synod.

Gavin Drake has written in Church Times that Women-bishops supporters might send Measure back.

John Bingham has written in the Telegraph that Church of England: new row could set women bishops plan back five years.

Opinions on the bishops’ amendments include these three.

Modern Church has published this paper by Jonathan Clatworthy: When is a bishop not a bishop (also available as a pdf).

Jeremy Fletcher has blogged Women Bishops – What I think I think.

Michael Sadgrove (the Dean of Durham) has blogged Where are we now on Women as Bishops?

And looking further ahead, last Friday’s edition of Today in Parliament on BBC Radio 4 included an interview with Ben Bradshaw MP about what might happen if the women bishops legislation as amended by the bishops reaches the Ecclesiastical Committee of Parliament. The programme can be downloaded as a 12 MB mp3 podcast, or listened to on the BBC iPlayer. The interview starts with an introduction at 6 min 41 sec.
Update WATCH has provided a transcript of this interview.

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Lapinbizarre/Roger Mortimer
Lapinbizarre/Roger Mortimer
12 years ago

May I add to your list Nick Cohen’s “A church fit only for bigots and hypocrites” from yesterday’s Guardian?

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

“Modern Church’s reasons for opposing Clause 5(1)(c) are as follows.

1.It would allow PCCs to subordinate the Church of England’s open, inclusive and developing theology to their own minority convictions on women’s ministry.”…….

Surely this is reason enough to resist the intended diminution of a Woman Diocesan Bishop’s authority in her own diocese – in order to placate the need of a particular parish to decide who is entitled to carry out episcopal ministry in its little corner of the Church of England?

11 years ago

Sorry to weigh into this one so late, but I recently discovered a possible sequence of events that I think Mr. Bradshaw misses in this interview: if the mood of Parliament is that clause 5(1)(c) or its replacement unacceptably waters down the measure for the consecration of women Bishops, then Parliament has a more subtle option open to it than rejecting the entire measure. When a Church Measure is passed from Synod to Parliament, the Chairman of Ways and Means of the House of Commons and the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, acting jointly, have the power… Read more »

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