Thinking Anglicans


Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, Senior Anglican Chaplain in Athens, writes for The Church of Ireland Gazette: Greece in crisis – the Churches respond.

Theo Hobson writes in The Guardian that Rowan Williams was always an enemy of the liberal state.

Lewis Galloway writes for Day1 about this Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 5:21-43): Taking Jesus Seriously.

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Scot Peterson
Scot Peterson
12 years ago

Too bad about Theo Hobson’s article. Note the retraction at the end. Undoubtedly the Lambeth staff (the church police?) cracked down hard on the Guardian. But it’s a risk of having to do things for a deadline. Nevertheless, valuable insights and a sympathetic approach to an intellectual question that’s worth debating honestly instead of quibbling about misquotes. Why is it, the past few days, that all British politics (barring church politics over women bishops…) have struck me as process stories?

12 years ago

Well, I thought Hobson’s piece, as it appears 6-30-12, is nevertheless outstanding. A restatement of W Churchill’s famous aphorism about democracy, “the worst form of government except all the others.”

12 years ago

Theo Hobson’s argument is so misguided it’s almost endearing. Liberal Christians – and I count myself one of them, by the Grace of God – must insist that we are Christians who find aspects of liberalism to be in accordance with Christian values, not liberals who find some aspects of Christianity in useful in the pursuit of liberal aims.

Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
12 years ago

It makes me think of an article which has all of its paragraphs replaced but which retains its original cogency and persuasiveness….

Alastair Newman
Alastair Newman
12 years ago

Agree with rjb. It was a slightly confused piece in general. It’s clear the author doesn’t agree with ++Rowan’s stance on several matters, but the lack of specific illustrations makes it all rather academic.

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

I enjoyed Theo’s piece in the Guardian but am left wondering whether ++Rowan’s perceived movement away from liberality wasn’t the price he paid personally for his deep desire for unity – at, seemingly, any price!The question may be, who is going to do better? Perhaps not any in the House of Bishops who helped with the blocking strategies of the Draft Measure Amendments.

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