Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – more Saturday reports and comments

Diarmaid MacCulloch writes for The Guardian about Women bishops: Jesus was happy with female apostles. What is the CofE’s problem?

Madeleine Davies writes for the Church Times that Archbishop defends gay-marriage response.

Lizzy Davies writes for The Guardian that Church of England votes to ban clergy from discriminatory political parties.

Edward Malnick writes in the Telegraph: Archbishop of Canterbury: Government has no right to introduce gay marriage.

Gavin Drake writes in the Church Times: Ban on clergy in racist groups approved.

Official summary of Saturday’s business
General Synod – Summary of business conducted on Saturday 7th July AM
General Synod – Summary of business conducted on Saturday 7th July PM

On 3 July The Times published a letter from a group of bishops, led by the Right Rev Geoffrey Rowell, Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, in which they write:

We are wholeheartedly committed to honouring those women whom the Church of England calls to the ordained ministry. We ask, too, for that proper respect for conscience which will continue to allow all traditions in our Church to flourish without detriment to one another.

The original copy of the letter is behind The Times paywall, but it has now been published elsewhere, including here on the Better Together website.

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Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

‘this is not simply a matter of opinion but of obedience: obedience to Scripture, to Tradition, to the wider consensus of the universal Church.’ Ah this is the nub of their contention- in a nut shell “we are right, you are wrong- and How Wrong !” And this is them, trying to be reasonable and eirenic ! Just imagine what their true views are uttered in private over gin ! There is no reason why protestants in C21st need to give in to this kind of doctrinaire approach. Also after the behaviour of the previous PEVs, one is left a… Read more »

12 years ago

Bp Rowell: “We ask, too, for that proper respect for conscience which will continue to allow all traditions in our Church to flourish without detriment to one another.”

I’m sorry, but “No Girls Allowed” is a discriminatory *policy*, not a “tradition” [Whereas Anglo-Catholicism IS a tradition, and one that has shown itself perfectly compatible w/ recognizing women in ALL holy orders!]

Peter Edwards
Peter Edwards
12 years ago

The letter to The Times is an extraordinarily well-crafted expression of the position of those bishops who are unable to accept the ministry of women priests and potential women bishops. It is utterly reasonable, and inclusive of the conservative Evangelical tradition which (I think) none of the signatories represents. Maybe this tradition has no such bishops, which is interesting in itself; or maybe they were not asked if they would like to sign, which is a curious way of living ‘Better Together’ which is a recent Anglo-Catholic initiative. A notable non-signatory is the Bishop of London. That said, I cannot… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

Within the Anglican Communion there are 3 Provincial Churches holding their General Synod Meetings at this time: The Church of England; The Episcopal Church of the USA; and the Anglican Church in Aoteroa/New Zealand and Pasefeka, in Fiji.

My prayer for each of these meetings is that God’s purposes may be fulfilled – through the acceptance of Justice for ALL. Jesu, mercy; Mary, pray!

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

welcome to Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch’s article.It’s good to have input from a classical Church Historian on a subject dear to the hearts of many of us in the world-wide Anglican Communion.

The fact that the Ministry of Women is actually celebrated in the history of the Early Church is so often disregarded by those who would maintain the partiarchal tradition. Let’s hope the Church of England’s General Synod will be able to jump the intellectual hurdle this time around.

Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
12 years ago

“Women bishops must be given full powers, MPs warn
A group of MPs is threatening to overrule the Church of England unless it agrees full-scale implementation of women bishops. Citing the bishops’ warning that government proposals to legalise same-sex marriage threatened the established role of the Church, Mr Bradshaw said establishment was a “two-way relationship”. “

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
12 years ago

There are only two bishops of any consequence signing the times letter, Europe and Chichester. Blackburn is about to retire and the others are suffragans and flying bishops. They represent few parishes and certainly Chichester does not represent his diocese (don’t forget that Chichester has voted FOR women bishops, it voted against the legislation by surprisingly narrow majorities.) Their theology is defective, the issue of ‘headship’ is rissible in this day and age and by ordaaining deacons and inducting women they seem to be conniving in placing women in positions of authority whose sacramental ministry they don’t acknowledge and thus,… Read more »

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
12 years ago

I notice that the number of priests ordained by the PEV’s in this weeks Church Times is quite small. Of course there are only 400 and something ABC parishes but the number of male priests being ordained each year who have an “impecable” pedigree is shrinking so one wonders about deployment in the future.Does anyone know how many ABC parishes there were in,say, 1995? I wonder if many parishes have rescinded resolution C ( or indeed any of the others) when the incumbent in place in 1992 has left or retired.Something for those who run that instructive website British Religion… Read more »

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