Thinking Anglicans

David Hope sermon

David Hope, the former Archbishop of York preached at yesterday’s consecration of Glyn Webster as the Bishop of Beverley. The full text of his sermon is online here.

Minster FM has a report of the sermon – Former Archbishop of York Attacks Church Bureaucracy – but there is much more in the sermon than that so do read the full text.

There are photographs of the consecration here, although they are muddled up with ones of the announcement of the appointment last August.

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Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Now that is a sermon! A pleasure to read. Mary Magdalen apostles’ apostle. And Richard Holloway ! Full colour here – no grey.

Father David
Father David
12 years ago

Now that’s what I call a sermon – full marks to Bishop Hope for such a mighty and inspirational word.
How lovely to see so many bishops there to consecrate and support the new Bishop of Beverley.
Go to it Bishop Glyn and hearty congratulations on your elevation to the episcopate as the Northern Province’s third PEV.

12 years ago

David Hope the best Archbishop of Canterbury we never had.

When you where in office there was Hope.

I wish there were a few more like him.

12 years ago

I also thought it a great sermon and find it intensely significant that two such opposed persons (in some ways) as Laurence Roberts and Father David should each acclaim it. Proof for me of the continuing validity – indeed, the absolute necessity – of Anglican pluralism. Or as Laurence so well puts it (and I invite Father David to follow him): ‘full colour here – no grey’. As for Bishop Glyn himself, he has his own views (acknowledged, even supported, by Bishop David), but he is also on record as rejecting ‘a church within a church’. So also Bishop David… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

John’s preferred option ‘Living with disagreement’ needs to be seen in proper context. If this were, for instance, compared with Saint Peter’s initial early insistence that new male Christian needed to be circumcised (equivalent, say, with Anglicans insisting that bishops need to be male); would this prejudice still need to be accommodated in the ongoing life of the Church?

Father David
Father David
12 years ago

Indeed John, a full spectrum is much more preferable to fifty shades of grey. Trouble is we seem to be intent on dividing ourselves into monochrome black and white and not allowing one another to shew all the colours of the rainbow.

12 years ago

Glad to see you’re keeping up with your reading, Father David!

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

‘allowing one another to shew all the colours of the rainbow.’

Posted by: Father David on Monday, 28 January 2013 at 4:25

David you are -if I may say so- a pretty ‘colourful prelate’ / cove yourself !

I have come to enjoy your contributions, to a not inconsiderable extent.

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