Thinking Anglicans


Neil Ormerod writes for ABC Religion and Ethics about The metaphysical muddle of Lawrence Krauss: Why science can’t get rid of God.

Frank Cranmer writes for Law & Religion UK about Doctrine and law – servants or masters?

Andrew Brown writes for The Guardian that I go to church not for God but for humanity.

Clarissa Tan writes in The Spectator that The west doesn’t need Feng Shui. “If you doubt that a building can affect your spirit, try going to church.”

Giles Fraser writes for The Guardian that The pope’s resignation has finally revealed that the papacy is simply a job.

Christopher Howse explains in The Telegraph Why we won’t get a bearded pope.

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12 years ago
Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

Fr. Giles Fraser has a wonderful way of stating what he sees as ‘the obvious’. In this article from the ‘Guardian’ newspaper, Giles postulates the question that; if the Pope can feel free to resign his papal office, does that render his position more mundane than the way in which it is normally perceived? The rarity of such an event as the resignation of a reigning Pontiff had hitherto been considered to endow the position with a mystical significance, which might be seen to become null and void with the papal resignation. Perhaps, with this specific resignation, the Vatican will… Read more »

Lindsay Southern
Lindsay Southern
12 years ago

Very few jobs are ‘simply a job’ . When our work is dedicated to God, whether we clean lavatories, serve food, design buildings, what might once have been simply a job, becomes vocation, an expression of our humanity and creativity a contribution to community. Simply a job, doesn’t depend on the manner of its ending but the commitment shown in undertaking. Why belittle it?

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

Surely, Lindsay, no-one here is ‘belittling’ the
job-classification of the Pope. One could say that every job can be a ‘vocation’ for anyone who does it and enjoys it. Maybe that is God’s calling for their life, and for them. Why do we ever need to think that Christian ministry is somehow superior to any other calling in life? Or is this that dichotomy between the sacred and the secular again?

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