Thinking Anglicans

Women in the episcopate consultation

David Pocklington has published two articles at Law & Religion UK about the Consultation document on women bishops legislation.

Women in the episcopate consultation: the basics
Women in the episcopate consultation: an analysis

The second includes this comment.

The above analysis suggests that whilst the four propositions developed by the Working Group provide a broad framework within which to proceed, these need to be finessed further to maximize the benefit of the progress achieved to date. This would include.

  • more formal declaration of the objectives a) to provide a clearer focus for the group’s work, and b) to give a signal to those outside the group of the expected outcome;
  • minimization of “soft law” instruments within the “package” which is developed, which would rely [on] a combination of primary and secondary legislation coming into force at the same time;
  • a statement on the expected time-scale, identifying key milestones and reviews of progress.

But do read all of them both.

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Anne Foreman
Anne Foreman
12 years ago

You were asking for names of senior clergy women, other than Deans or Archdeacons, eligible to be elected to the eight places for senior women as non voting attendees at the HOB. Exeter Diocese has two The Revd Becky Totterdell DDO and the Revd. Canon Jane Wilson, Bishop’s Adviser in Women’s Ministry

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