Thinking Anglicans

Religious Freedom and LGBT Rights: Are They Compatible?

Updated Friday 8 March

The Cutting Edge Consortium is organising a meeting with this title at the House of Commons on Monday 11 March, sponsored by Ben Bradshaw MP.

Please note the location for this meeting has been changed to the Jubilee Room, which is directly off Westminster Hall.

The meeting starts at 6.30 pm.

Further information on this meeting is available here.

Background on CEC here.

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11 years ago

Why should they be incompatible?

11 years ago

If it’s society that drives Christianity then of course there is no need for them to be incompatible, however I suspect that it makes more sense to believers if the reverse is true.

Iain McLean
Iain McLean
11 years ago

Not only are they compatible, but each entails the other – at least that is what I plan to argue at the meeting.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
11 years ago

Hmmm shame, and double drat? I can’t get there.

Well, there is much huffing and puffing from a variety of players, not all of them simpering acolytes of the ill named Anglican Mainstream, who think that there is a trade off and the faith community is losing out.

Indeed the celebrated Aidan O’Neill QC made some murmurings to that effect at a Cutting Edge Consortium event last year.

I understand that Aidan and others at Matrix are considering staging a public debate on the very same topic later in the year.

11 years ago

“If it’s society that drives Christianity then of course there is no need for them to be incompatible, however I suspect that it makes more sense to believers if the reverse is true.”

Believers in Homophobia-Uber-Alles, extreme?

If ALL homophobia were eliminated from the Church tomorrow (Maranatha!), I suspect it would still take 100 years for the Church to recover from the damage that this homophobia has caused to the Gospel message (Kyrie eleison!).

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

“Brethren, love one another, for love is of God!” That seems to resonate somehow with the reality.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
11 years ago

My own view, not that anyone is likely to ask it, is that religious rights have been treated as pre-eminent until very recently. They have occupied a unique position elevated above other rights. Just how those religious rights might be in conflict with other rights can be seen in the way French thinkers addressed the issue back in 1789 when The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen set out to guarantee the freedom of religion, as long as religious activities did not infringe on public order in ways detrimental to society. I think Christians might say… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
11 years ago

As an ordained gay religious person, I find those with power would like to split me up – no doubt the process would destroy ‘me’ if fully realized.

Also I hear very little about the rights, interests, needs and perspectives, of those of us from council estates, whom the Church ignores as much as it can, and when unavoidable approaches us with noses-held.

11 years ago

The link below from the Cyprus Mail could have been posted in any thread on this forum. It illustrates the breadth of views found in Christian nations even with the EU.

It will raise some members blood pressure.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
11 years ago

‘The link below from the Cyprus Mail could have been posted in any thread on this forum. It illustrates the breadth of views found in Christian nations even with the EU’
Posted by: Labarum on Thursday, 7 March 2013

What a lovely comment.

How encouraging to find the Church of Cyprus struggling so valiently to enter the 1920s and 30s.

I shall endeavour to avoid civil partnerships, cremation and menstruation in the future. Back to the future…

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
11 years ago

Here we see the ‘conservatives’ (they are not -simply arrogant) attack on a young man who gives religious reflection on Our Lord and lgbt.

But Cranmer fights back !

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