Thinking Anglicans


Sylvia McLain writes in The Guardian that It’s a big, fat myth that all scientists are religion-hating atheists.

Vicky Beeching writes for The Independent about Christian Easter eggs and child abuse: The creation of a parallel universe by the Church.

Hans Küng writes in The New York Times about A Vatican Spring?

Tom Wright asks in The Guardian The church may be hypocritical about sex, but is no one else guilty?

The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley have this handy list of 25 Ways to say “No” Without Saying “No”.

Rosie Harper has written a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, which Alan Wilson has republished: Dear Justin…

Christopher Howse of The Telegraph writes about Anglicans in the heart of Rome.

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Jean ,Mayland
Jean ,Mayland
11 years ago

Excellent letter by Rosie.I hope AB Justin reads it and acts upon it.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
11 years ago

Christopher Howse tells of the Anglican Centre in Rome where Anglicans enjoy their palatial headquarters at the grace and favour of Prince Jonathan.

I’d like to be in the party when Welby meets his hosts family.

I suppose we may not be worthy of marriage or having kids, but we do have our uses ………?

11 years ago

Rosie’s letter is excellent. I hope he listens. I’m sure that her anti-gay mail is vomit inducing. Our bishop got death threats for suggesting that there might be a way to compromise and hold everyone together. Yes, death threats, and he got spat on, etc. Always from the anti-gay crowd, never the inclusion people. And that was while he was forbidding same-sex blessings and ordination of LGBT persons. So apparently, to the anti-gay crowd, it isn’t enough to merely discriminate, one is only acceptable if one is a fire breathing homophobe. I think that crowd did more for LGBT inclusion… Read more »

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
11 years ago

Thank you for posting the NY Times article by Hans Kung. This is the type of man who really should be elected Bishop of Rome. It is a prayer of many Catholics and probably some Anglicans as well, that this next conclave should go outside the College of Cardinals and choose a man such as Hans Kung or a lay person who has open minded views. The odds of this happening are low. A pope who thinks like Hans Kung would bring about a true reformation of the monarchical papacy and the Church. Thank you for including this article in… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
11 years ago

Tom Wrght puts forward a very poor case. All I get is his fury at the overbearing manner the Today presenter interviewed the Cardinal. I am amazed the RC Church allowed this prelate to be in this position. It needed someone far more robust, though if anyone offered the ripostes suggested by Wright they would have just increased their problems. We know how journalism has sunk into the depths of criminality and deception, there has just been a public enquiry and we were left in no doubt about that, but Wright knows only too well the Churches would hardly survive… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

Hans Kung’s article in the NYT is very interesting.More interesting still was Maureen Dowd’s column published last week.”How Mary Feels About being a Virgin” In some ways, Kung and Joseph Ratzinger, both, as Kung recalls, staff theologians to The Council , are the poster boys for the two distinctive Roman Catholic Church brands emerged post Vatican II. There is the Catholic Church that hoped The Council was the beginning of turning the church to catch the wind. There is the camp that strives the ground the work of the Council in terms of continuity with previous Councils. A Catholic… Read more »

11 years ago

Tom Wright’s piece exhibits his usual evasive, dishonest rhetoric.

11 years ago

@ Tom Wright: really? “But what about”: that’s all you got?

How very sad.

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

Having recently read Hans Kung’s autobiography, in which he explains what happened in the lead-up to Vatican 2 – when he and Joseph Ratzinger were all fired up with zeal for the reformation of the Roman Catholic Church; I can understand his disappointment at the trajectory of the Church under the Popes who have succeeded the inimitable Pope John XXIII. We need to pray for our Roman Catholic friends, that the next occupant of the Throne of Peter might be more open to the Spirit of God in the task of renewal and re-assessment of the needs of God’s people… Read more »

Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
11 years ago

Hans Kueng can literally save one’s sanity at times.

I wish Tom Wright could be described as having that effect. His argument is very threadbare – Jimmy Savile as an exculpatory device.

11 years ago

I’m afraid Hans Kung is more hopeful than I am.

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