Thinking Anglicans


Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian that Jesus is not destroyed by our hatred.

Rosemary Hannah writes about Turning off King Lear.

The leader in The Spectator is Twitter vs Easter.

Andrew Brown writes in The Guardian that Atheists need to run an Alpha course of their own.

Benny Hazlehurst writes about Taking offence…

Jo Bailey Wells writes for Continuing Indaba about Living with the conflict, in hope and sacrifice.

Hugh Rayment-Pickard writes in the Church Times that churches should Have the nerve to follow the early Christians.

ABC Religion & Ethics asked a number of theologians and lay people to offer their thoughts on Rowan Williams and their hopes for Justin Welby: What now for the Archbishop of Canterbury? Reflections on Rowan Williams and Justin Welby.

Graham Kings has been to South Sudan: Learning Together in South Sudan.

Ralph Jones writes in The Independent that The Church of England is in desperate need of a modern dictionary.

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
11 years ago

Thank you, Rosemary, for this excellent Good Friday meditation. Just what I needed to read today.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

A wise old soldier full of grit, one with field experience, once told me that parade square soldiers do not, do not, make the best soldiers. I think what he meant, in part, is that parade square dress, drill, spit and polish and marching bands ought not to be confused with what is required in the field to stay alive, keep others alive, and work with others to achieve objectives. It’s a metaphor I’ve often tried to keep in mind over the years when bridging liturgy, any liturgy, but especially the highly symbolic liturgies of Holy Week, with ministry to… Read more »

11 years ago

There’s been some controversy on the Yank side of the Pond, in light of her past TEC-critical comments, over Rev Dr Bailey Wells’ new appointment as “Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury.” Those who have these concerns can hardly be reassured by her (rather gobsmacking!) description, “currently the Episcopal Church in the United States and the Anglican Church of North America are not in communion with each other.” [Considering the latter was expressly created to replace and extinguish the former? O_o] I pray “Indaba” will come . . . but only (as w/ Resurrection) after *death*, and not denial. Happy… Read more »

11 years ago

There’s also a nice series of Good Friday reflections by Sarah Coakley on the ABC Religion & Ethics site.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

Great article from Rosemary Hannah, the conclusion was concise and powerful.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

Sorry about the double post on Rosemary Hannah. Only the short one, an edit of the first, was intended to be sent–call me Mr. Butter Fingers. Oh well, onward and upward, and to the article by Giles Fraser. It brought back memories of reading, decades ago, a book by Ian Suttie titled ‘The Origins of Love and Hate’. Fraser writes, “Ambivalence is the experience of having contradictory feelings about the same thing, in particular the presence of both love and hate.” A short point. I often share the sense of ambivalence, especially on Good Friday. Yet it seems to dissolve… Read more »

11 years ago

With respect to Jo Wells, as a theological educator myself with 30 years in seminary contexts, I wonder how apt the comparison is between global anglicanism (or even provincial anglicanism) and an MDiv context, with students paying fees to attend a secular university like Duke (with a divinity school inside its confines)?

Judith Maltby
Judith Maltby
11 years ago

I may have misheard, but my understanding from those in the TEC seminary world is the Episcopal/Anglican Center at Duke has more ACNA and others from that sort of break-away/never were actually Episcopalians before but are now using the word ‘Anglican’ group, than Episcopal students – and that the Episcopal ones are/were chiefly non-ordinands. If so, this is an important bit of context to Dr Bailey Wells’ piece, which different people are free to interpret differently, needless to say.

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