Thinking Anglicans

Women bishops latest

Madeleine Davies of the Church Times has a round-up of opinions in Traditionalists slam women-bishops plan (although it’s not just about the “traditionalists”).
We have already published the full texts of the responses from Reform, Affirming Catholicism, Forward in Faith and the Catholic Group in General Synod.

Other recent articles include:

Jonathan Clatworthy of Modern Church asks Should bishops fly?

Chris Sugden writes for the American Anglican Council: Let’s be inclusive about this.

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Sister Mary
Sister Mary
11 years ago

On the matter of inclusivity, to what extent did General Synod in its exchanges concerning the consecration of Women priests as Bishops recall that this step has already been taken in several other areas of the Anglican communion?

It is not irrelevant to acknowledge that something which is being considered as a potential development is already an established reality elsewhere. As matters stand, the “Christian consensus” on this topic is fractured. It is necessary now to discern what is right for today.

Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan
11 years ago

‘Something which is being considered as a potential development is already an established reality elsewhere.’

Precisely. Opponents of WO and WB would like us to think we are still in the early stages of this process, and keep (as they are doing now) trying to take us back to discussing whether women can actually be priests. The reality is they have been priests and bishops in other provinces for decades. There is no (and never has been) ‘consensus’ on this in the anglican communion.

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