Thinking Anglicans


Andrew Brown writes in The Guardian that Justin Welby reveals his inner Tory.

Andrew Lilico writes a guest post on Archbishop Cranmer’s blog: Is Anglicanism still the State Religion in England?

Frank Cranmer of Law & Religion UK asks Are human rights “Christian”? – a reflection.

Giles Fraser writes in The Guardian that Greed is good – well, almost. But it must not be the dominant thing.

Christopher Howse writes in his Sacred Mysteries column in The Telegraph about The day Hereford tower fell down.

Jonathan Clatworthy of Modern Church asks What’s an integrity?

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Interested Observer
Interested Observer
11 years ago

The article by Lilico states that discriminating against homosexuals by refusing them a room for the night is not merely permissible, but required behaviour by Anglicans. Discuss.

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

Frank Cranmer is essentially correct in the “Tentative Conclusion” to his excellent article. So, can Christian theology enjoy integration with the notion of human rights? I think there is an ethical imperative to do so; what’s more there is a basis for doing so. The Christian tradition is dynamic, capable of transcending foundational texts ( like the NT) from the classical era. Bernard Lonergan’s work on the pluralistic nature of culture, and John Courtney Murray’s work on religious liberty are just two relevant examples. Note as well the Declaration of Religious Freedom from Vatican II, ” …this sacred synod intends… Read more »

FD Blanchard
FD Blanchard
11 years ago

I would be more sympathetic to Andrew Brown’s commentary on duty if we didn’t live in a world full of highly paid public moral scolds thoroughly insulated from realities that most people have to face. In this age of alleged affluence and self-indulgence, most people labor under a host of economic and legal constraints. Many of us worry every month about the funds in the bank to clear the rent check. Many are just one illness or lay-off away from destitution. If we have high credit card debt, maybe it’s because wages are too low and cash is always short.… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

Re Justin Welby’s “inner tory”, you would think that the American, French, Quiet, and sexual revolutions had never taken place.

11 years ago

‘So, can Christian theology enjoy integration with the notion of human rights? I think there is an ethical imperative to do so; what’s more there is a basis for doing so.’ You do it if you want. I can see little point in it now – we’ve all waited long enough. It’s way too little, too late. But if churchmen wish to do this kind of intellectual exercise feel free, but the public (will) neither know nor care. I incluyde myself as it is all too late. The only thing that would interest or impress me would be *marriage equality… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

@ Laurence, well its pretty difficult to argue with that kind of stance, although I feel the pain of your apparent impatience and frustration. You may well be right that it is “way too late”. Sure feels that way most days. Notwithstanding, The integration of human rights with theology is not merely an academic exercise. Every change in policy, social,political, religious, is based on a conceptual frame-work. even when the drivers are largely practical.As long as the church(es) continue to cloister themselves with a special pleading that rationalizes an exemption from basic human rights they will not be able to… Read more »

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