Thinking Anglicans

General synod – July 2013 – online papers

Updated Friday 21 June

Online copies of the papers for the July 2013 meeting of General Synod are now available online; they are listed below, with links and a note of the day they are scheduled for debate.

In addition three zip files of the papers are available.

all papers contained in the 1st circulation
all papers contained in the 2nd circulation
papers from both the 1st and 2nd circulation

The Report of the Business Committee (GS 1889) includes a forecast of future business, and I have copied this below the fold.

The Church of England’s own list of papers is presented in agenda order.

Papers for debate

GS 1866A – Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure
GS 1877A – Draft Amending Canon No.31
GS 1866Y-1877Y – Report by the Revision Committee [Sunday]

GS 1886 – Women in the Episcopate [Monday]

GS 1887 – Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2013
GS 1887x – Explanatory Memorandum [Sunday]

GS 1888 – Full Synod Agenda

GS 1889 – Report by the Business Committee [Friday]

GS 1890 – Appointment of the Clerk to the Synod [Friday]
GS 1891 – Appointment of the Chair of the Appointments Committee [Friday]
GS 1892 – Appointment of the Chair of the Finance Committee [Friday]
GS 1893 – Appointment of the Chair of the England Pensions Board [Friday]
GS 1894 – Appointment of the Auditors to the Archbishops’ Council [Friday]

GS 1895 – Progress on meeting challenges for the Quinquennium [Saturday]

GS 1896 – Safeguarding: Follow-up to the Chichester Commissaries’ Reports [Sunday]

GS 1897 – Welfare Reform and the Church plus Annex 1 and Annex 2 [Sunday]

GS 1898 – Draft Scheme for Approval [The Dioceses of Bradford, Ripon and Leeds and Wakefield Reorganisation Scheme] [Monday]
GS 1898x – Explanatory Memorandum
GS 1899 – Draft Resolution for Approval [Transitional Vacancy in See Committee for the Diocese of Leeds] [Monday]

GS 1900 – The Archbishops’ Council’s Draft Budget and Proposals for apportionment for 2014 [Monday]

GS 1901 – The work of the Elections Review Group: First Report by the Business Committee [Tuesday]
GS 1902 – Draft Amending Canon No.32 [Tuesday]
GS 1903 – Draft Convocations (Elections to Upper House) (Amendment) Resolution [Tuesday]
GS 1904 – Draft Clergy Representation (Amendment) Resolution [Tuesday]
GS 1905 – Draft Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution [Tuesday]
GS 1902-05x – Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1906 – The work of the Elections Review Group: Second Report by the Business Committee [Tuesday]

GS 1907 – Clergy Discipline (Amendment) Rules 2013
GS 1908 – Clergy Discipline Appeal (Ammendment) Rules 2013
GS1907-08x – Explanatory Memorandum
GS 1909 – Amending Code of Practice under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003
GS 1909x – Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1912 – Scheme Amending the Diocese in Europe Constitution 1995
GS 1912x – Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1913 – Archbishops’ Council’s Annual Report [Monday]

Church Commissioners’ Annual Report [Monday]

Contingency Business

Diocesan Synod Motion: Review of the Workings of the General Synod
GS 1914A – A note from the Diocese of London
GS 1914B – A note from the Acting Clerk to the Synod

Other Papers

GS Misc 1044 – Choosing Bishops – The Equality Act

GS Misc 1048 – Simplification Group Report

GS Misc 1049A – Moving Towards a New Dioceses for West Yorkshire and the Dales
GS Misc 1049B – The New Diocese and the Mission of the Church
GS Misc 1049C – Yorkshire Scheme for Financial Estimates
GS Misc 1050 – Statement from the Archbishop of York
Annex 1 – Blackburn Diocesan Synod notes
Annex 2 – Ripon and Leeds Diocesan Synod notes
Annex 3 – Draft Wakefield Diocean Synod notes
Annex 4 – Bradford Diocesan Synod notes

GS Misc 1051 – Clergy Discipline Rules as amended by CD Rules July 2013
GS Misc 1052 – Clergy Discipline Amendment Rules as amended by CDA Rules July 2013
GS Misc 1053 – Code of Practice amended July 2013

GS Misc 1054 – Making New Disciples
GS Misc 1055 – Clergy Discipline Commission Annual Report 2012
GS Misc 1056 – Activities of the Archbishops’ Council
GS Misc 1057 – Mission Development Funding plus Annex 1 and Annex 2
GS Misc 1058 – Audit Committee Annual Report
GS Misc 1059 – Members of Committees

The Church and Community Fund Annual Review

House of Bishops Summary of Decisions

1st Notice Paper
2nd Notice Paper
3rd Notice Paper

Forecast of future General Synod business

This forecast should not be read as more than a broad indication of business that may come to the Synod in 2013 and 2014. Timings are therefore approximate and not a guarantee that they will be dealt with at the Synod session indicated.

One or more reports are usually taken at each group of sessions.

One or more Diocesan Synod Motions and one or more Private Members’ Motions are customarily included in the Agenda for each group of sessions (see Special Agendas III and IV).

Legislative business

November 2013

  • MPM / Amending Canon No 31– Final Drafting and Final Approval
  • Women in the Episcopate legislation – First Consideration
  • Measure making changes to the faculty jurisdiction – First Consideration
  • Measure amending the PCCs (Powers) Measure etc – First Consideration
  • Amending Vacancy in See Committee Regulation (to give effect to Bradford DSM)
  • Amendments to the Church Representation Rules proposed by the Simplification Group

February 2014

  • Amending Canon No. 32 and Amending Resolutions relating to GS elections etc – Revision Stage
  • Measure and Amending Canon in relation to the Chichester Visitation recommendations – First Consideration
  • Pensions (Amendment) Measure [to extend CC’s power to resort to capital for pensions liabilities] – First Consideration
  • Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order
  • Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order

July 2014

  • Women in the Episcopate legislation – Revision Stage
  • Amending Canon and Amending Rules relating to GS elections etc – Final Drafting / Final Approval
  • Measure and Amending Canon in relation to the Chichester Visitation recommendations – Revision Stage
  • Measure making changes to the faculty jurisdiction – Revision Stage
  • Measure amending the PCCs (Powers) Measure etc – Revision Stage
  • Pensions (Amendment) Measure – Revision and Final Drafting/Final Approval
  • Payments to the Churches Conservation Trust Order
  • Usual fees orders

Liturgical business

  • Additional Texts for Holy Baptism


  • Quinquennium Goals – follow-up report on Evangelism and Church Growth
  • The Church School of the Future (Education Division)
  • Fresh Directions in Local Unity in Mission (Council for Christian Unity)
  • Re-imagining Ministry (Ministry Division)
  • Debate on the Economy (Mission and Public Affairs Council)
  • Anglican-Methodist Covenant: Report from the Joint Implementation Commission
  • Aspects of Rural Church Life (Mission and Public Affairs Council)
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Iain Mclean
Iain Mclean
11 years ago

Has anyone else read GS Misc 1044? Words fail me.

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

I will be doing a separate article about GS Misc 1044 quite soon, so you might want to hold comments until then. But it is most instructive to compare its wording with that of the document it replaces, GS Misc 992, available in full at

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x