Mark Brett writes for ABC Religion and Ethics about Asylum seekers and universal human rights: Does the Bible still matter?
Jonathan Clatworthy for Modern Church looks at the phrase Unable on grounds of theological conviction.
Peter Doll writes for the Church Times about The only defence against unaccountable power. “An Established Church guards against tyranny.”
David McIlroy asks for Theos: Is Secular Law possible?
Diarmaid MacCulloch reviews Our Church by Roger Scruton for The Guardian. “What makes the C of E special? This account of Anglicanism is full of cliches and misrepresentations.”
Re Jonathan Clatworthy and Diarmaid MacCulloch: it is extraordinary that the only theological convictions which are assumed to require special consideration- and which are hardly ever challenged by our spiritual leaders- are those relating to gender.
Many thanks for Mark Brett’s article and his insights regarding scripture and human rights. ” … the Christian commitment to human rights has been much thinner than it ought to have been.” Indeed!
Diarmaid MacCulloch gives useful corrective to the romantic Victorian church history we Anglo-Catholics embraced so whole-heartedly. Two points he may not have had space to mention: When he said that “Tudor and Stuart England executed more Roman Catholics,” he might have noted that Rome was trying actively to overthrow the English government, and so its clergy were open to suspicion of being spies and agents of a foreign power. Second, it’s a fact that when Augustine arrived to plant the flag for Western Christendom as represented by Rome, he found the see of London occupied and had to set up… Read more »