Thinking Anglicans

House of Lords: Wednesday in committee on the Marriage bill


The Hansard record starts here, and later continues here. The debate continued until 12.30 am!

The more detailed list showing speakers names is over here.

The Bishop of Guildford engaged in the debate. His interventions start here. And continue, late in the evening, here.

David Pocklington has again written up the day, in Same Sex Marriage Bill – Committee, 2nd Day.

Gavin Drake reports on Monday’s debate, and related events earlier in the week, in the Church Times Bishop seeks registrar opt-out.

The committee stage completes next Monday. And there is one more amendment filed.
A Third Marshalled List of Amendments is now here.

Two dates for the Report stage have been announced: 8 and 10 July.

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11 years ago

Some of what the Bishop of Guildford wanted wasn’t completely anti-gay. A first for a Bishop in the HoL on this debate?

Iain McLean
Iain McLean
11 years ago

I agree with CRW. He is doing what the bishop of Leicester’s statement said they would do, namely engage constructively. He is the first bishop whose speech acknowledges that equal marriage is going to happen, and to discuss the consequences in a humane way.

Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
11 years ago

Their Lordships’ proceedings are strangely fascinating. I wondered if they would ‘go there’ last night with their debates on ‘consumation’. As this is a family website I cannot give Baroness Butler-Sloss’ quote of the night, but it was amazing to behold. It entirely justifies my belief in ignoring the issue and doing whatever the government recommends on the issue instead of descending into inapropriate detail. I previously dallied with the idea of a limited ‘conscience clause’ that guaranteed a service to same sex couples and was limited to staff employed prior to the introduction of the bill. I’m still drawn… Read more »

11 years ago

“As this is a family website I cannot give Baroness Butler-Sloss’ quote of the night, but it was amazing to behold.”

I’m curious.

Oh, wait: I’m not. :-X

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