Thinking Anglicans

Marriage Bill: House of Lords Report stage

Updated again

The Hansard record of Monday’s debate starts here and continues over here. There is a PDF file for the whole day here.

An index showing individual speakers is available. Interventions by bishops:

Bishop of Chester: here, and also here and then here. Then later here and again here.

Debate continues on Wednesday and there is a new list of marshalled amendments available.
And a further revised amendment is here.


David Pocklington’s summary of the proceedings is here.

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Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
11 years ago

I must say it’s been a long trek with the end finally in view. The Bill is getting very significant majorities when tested – very similar to votes in the Commons around 2/3 or thereabouts. Significant challenges have been seen off by thumping majorities that leave no doubt there is actually a majority in favour in the House of Lords. Significantly we have had debates over opt outs for registrars (I very briefly dallied with this idea but thankfully recanted my error in time), protections for teachers, various types of ‘protections’ for people opposed to same sex marriage. I was… Read more »

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