Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Friday roundup

Here are some reflections and comments on what happened at General Synod.

Nick Baines (Bishop of Bradford) Mixed feelings

Andrew Carey The ghastly Indabas return

Colin Coward A health report on the C of E following the York Synod

Steven Croft (Bishop of Sheffield) Three processes in one: today’s Synod debate on Bishops

Jeremy Fletcher General Synod July 2013 – Jeremy’s Report

Giles Fraser General Synod brings out the worst in the Church of England – and in me

Jody Stowell Women bishops: Building bridges to avoid repeating history

Chris Sugden Update to AAC from Canon Chris Sugden

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Starting again on women bishops

Lichfield Diocese’s reps reflect on General Synod

Church Times leader Has the Synod shifted at all?

There are also a few more press reports.

Today’s Church Times has revised versions of two reports published immediately after the Synod debates:
Ed Thornton, Madeleine Davies, Gavin Drake and Glyn Paflin Synod makes a new start on women bishops in York
Madeleine Davies and Gavin Drake Synod approves new West Yorkshire diocese

The Living Church Synod Slogs through in York

Amaris Cole in The Church of England Newspaper Women bishops back on track

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Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

Andrew Carey refers to Saturday’s groups as a form of Indaba. I believe this is incorrect, as Indaba is something quite different from Mediation which is what I believe these groups were.

11 years ago

‘they merely substitute process for truth-telling’ ….
Andrew Carey shows little understanding of either approaches to meeting on this evidence – which is why they are so needed.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
11 years ago

The problem with “truth telling” is that it is talking *at* people. Indaba and mediation are processes of conversing *with* people.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

Interesting that these reflections and comments make no mention of the speech of the ABC and his remarks about the present ‘revolution’. As an aside, I was amused to read in Andrew Brown’s review of the press in the current Church Times ‘that the Archbishop had been pointing out merely the bleeding obvious’. What followed was priceless:- ‘…the women-bishops debate was opened on Monday with a point of order from Andrea Williams, of Christian Concern, who wanted the whole thing put off for a day, so that the bishops could travel back up to London and object to gay marriage… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

Ms Williams has also written a letter to the Archbishop, copied to all the Lords Spiritual castigating them for not doing more on both Monday and Wednesday. The tone of letter could perhaps be described as “hectoring”. And as already noticed elsewhere on this site, Christian Concern has called off its prayer meeting outside Parliament on Monday.

Father David
Father David
11 years ago

Alas not only Carey senior has a go at Archbishop Rowan but Carey junior has now joined in the fray.

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