Thinking Anglicans

Timetable for November session of General Synod

The timetable for the November group of sessions of the General Synod of the Church of England is available for download, and is copied below.

Monday 18 November
12 noon Meeting of the House of Laity
2 pm – 7 pm
1.45 pm Worship
  Formal business
  Briefing by the Archbishop of Canterbury
  Report by the Business Committee
  Quinquennium Goals Part II: Intentional Evangelism
  Legislative Business
   Miscellaneous Provisions Measure/Amending Canon No 31 – Final Drafting and Final Approval
   Yorkshire Diocesan Reorganisation Scheme: Resolution relating to Synodical representation
Not later than 5.20 pm Questions
Not later than 6.50 pm Presentation on Steering Committee report on women in the episcopate
[7.05–7.25 pm] Evening worship
Tuesday 19 November
9.15 am – 1 pm
9.15 am Group work on Women in the Episcopate (to include morning worship)
11.45 am Legislative Business:
   Any unfinished legislative business from Monday
   Care of Churches and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Amendment) Measure (re the Faculty Jurisdiction) – First Consideration
2.30 pm – 7 pm
2.30 pm Presidential Address by the Archbishop of York
  The Church School of the Future (Chadwick Report)
  Legislative business
  PCCs (Powers) Measure – First Consideration
   Amending Vacancy in See Committee Regulation (to give effect to Bradford DSM)
   Standing Orders Committee report
Not later than 5.45 pm London DSM: Review of the Workings of the General Synod
[7.05-7.25 pm] Evening worship
Wednesday 20 November
9.15 am – 1 pm
9.15 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Women in the episcopate: Motion on Steering Committee report
  Legislative business
   Women in the Episcopate Draft Measure and Amending Canon – First Consideration
2.30 – 5.30pm
2.30 pm Legislative Business
   Women in the Episcopate: Draft Measure and Amending Canon – First Consideration cont’d
  The Work of the Elections Review Group: Second Report by the Business Committee (resumed debate)
Not later than 5.15 pm Farewells
5.30 pm Prorogation
Contingency business: Bradford DSM: Name of Dioceses
  Wakefield DSM: Nature and Structure of the Church of England – National Debate
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