Thinking Anglicans

more about GAFCON 2


In my earlier article, I linked in the comments to a number of additional articles about this topic.

Here are few more items:

Andrew Atherstone Reflections on GAFCON 2 published at Fulcrum.

Church Society Lee Gatiss The Global Anglican Futures Conference (GAFCON) in Nairobi

Church Times George Conger GAFCON to be ‘an Anglican province’ in all but name

Anglican TV Interview with Dr Gavin Ashenden


Two more articles, by Peter Carrell GAFCON’s gaffe (1) and GAFCON’s gaffe (2) – misunderstanding gospel and culture

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11 years ago

What struck me about Gavin Ashenden’s pseudo intellectual ramblings about 2000 years of orthodox Christianity etc, inter alia comparing the demand for equal treatment for LBGT persons within the Church to the rise of Nazism and fascism (yes really!), was his failure to mention divorce. The prohibition on divorce is actually in scripture, to which he constantly appealed as a touchstone, and is a late twentieth century innovation rather than a tradition. The pressure for change on divorce came from secular society, not from the church, and indeed Dr Ashenden himself has benefited from it. But he opposes women bishops… Read more »

John Wirenius
John Wirenius
11 years ago

So they’ll be treating usury as a deal breaker, then? No? What a surprise.

Nathaniel Brown
Nathaniel Brown
11 years ago

All this fuss and feathers just to enable a small group to exclude over half of the human race.

11 years ago

“All this fuss and *feathers* just to enable a small group to exclude over half of the human race.”

Birds of the Air: “Leave us out of it!”


So, this “AMiE” under GAFCON (not the ABC or ABY or General Synod—or even HM): they’ll be vacating CofE property then, right? Right???

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
11 years ago

Sexual comment on divorce and re-marriage as ACNA is riddled with it!

They can’t establish what the Bible teaches on women’s leadership!

No list of attending bishops , as at least a third are non Anglican communion.

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

One only has to look at the faces on the drum-roll lead up to the ‘Anglican TV’ video to realise which side of the Communion arguments this crowd is on. It really does look and sound like a Con/Evo American charismatic talk-fest. Not much help here on the real state of the world-wide Anglican scene.

Does anyone know who actually funds ‘Anglican TV’?

Concerned Anglican
Concerned Anglican
11 years ago

Let’s remember GAFCON 2 is merely a largish conference of disparate conservative groupings, nothing more nothing less whatever it claims.

11 years ago

Whilst holding on to the reality of GAFCON 2, as Concerned Anglican suggests, I have to wonder what the reaction will be of both English Archbishops to the ‘threat’ that the focus has now switched from the USA and TEC to the UK and the C of E. I would also like those who are supporters of the ordination of women to all three Holy Orders (amongst whom I include myself) to wake up to the challenge. Our actions are listed as a reason (excuse?) for border crossing by GAFCON bishops. It isn’t just the issues of homosexuality that is… Read more »

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