Our previous report is here.
The Church Times carried a detailed news report by Gavin Drake but this is available only to subscribers.
Frank Cranmer has published the more detailed analysis that he promised, see Clergy employment and Sharpe v Worcester DBF.
Two other articles have been published:
Philip Jones has written The Removal of an Irremovable Pastor: Sharpe v Diocese of Worcester. He argues that it is impossible for the holder of a freehold office to bring a dismissal claim of any kind in an employment tribunal.
Neil Addison writes that Anglican Vicar May be an Employee.
A very good summary from Mr Jones.
You just fall into the hole in the thinking he conjures.
But as I read this there is a course open that is left is to argue that the failure to protect the Rector amounted to constructive dismissal. Or have I missed something …
This judgement is reasonably clear for a legal argument. What is also clear is that this is unlikely to be the final word on the case.