Thinking Anglicans

Crown Nominations Commission leaks again

Yesterday, Ruth Gledhill published a report concerning the recent Crown Nominations Commission meetings to select a new Bishop of Exeter.

The original report is behind the paywall of The Times but subscribers can find it here.

Much of its content is reproduced in this article in Pink News: Times claims Church of England ‘on the brink of appointing its first openly gay bishop’

…The paper claims the Dean of St Albans, Dr Jeffrey John, came within one vote of being recommended as the new Bishop of Exeter.
It is thought to be the first time that Dr John has made the shortlist for a diocesan post, although he has been tipped for promotion several times before.
The successful candidate to succeed the Right Rev Michael Langrish as the Bishop of Exeter is to be announced soon.
Although he has missed out on the position, The Times claims Church sources say that it is only a matter of time before Dr John gets a diocesan post.
This year the Church of England dropped its prohibition on gay clergy in civil partnerships becoming bishops. That was the change that allowed Dr John to be considered again after effectively being banned from the episcopacy since 2003.
The Crown Nominations Commission met in October to choose the new diocesan bishop for Exeter. The meeting was chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, who would have had the casting vote in the event of a deadlock.
There are already meetings scheduled to choose the bishops to fill six diocesan vacancies next year. These are Europe, Hereford, Liverpool, Guildford, St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, and Southwell and Nottingham. Besides Europe, Hereford and Guildford also have liberal traditions that might make Dr John an acceptable candidate…

The original article says that this is believed to be the first time the Dean of St Albans has been shortlisted for a diocesan bishopric. But back in 2010, when the bishopric of Southwark was under consideration, the contemporary reports suggest otherwise, see:

Telegraph Jonathan Wynne-Jones Gay cleric in line to become bishop in Church of England

Australian reproducing The Times Gay bishop to divide Anglicans

TA coverage of the ensuing story started here, and ran for a considerable number of subsequent articles during the next couple of weeks.

And in May 2011, the Guardian published Colin Slee’s own account of the matter.

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
11 years ago

The Times suggests that he did not win by 1 vote.
If that is true, would it mean that there was no tie and that Justin Welby’s casting vote was not needed, or would that mean that this “1 vote” is his casting vote?

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

Erika the following link is to a very old article of mine, but it may be helpful in understanding the CNC voting procedures. I would welcome any informed update as to whether the procedures have changed at all since this was written.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
11 years ago

The article in The Times is poorly edited – the phrase “first gay bishop” is used more than once, but that is simply not the situation.

Stuart, Devon
Stuart, Devon
11 years ago

Is there any news (if that’s the right word) as to who was ultimately the choice?

Ruth Gledhill
11 years ago

In response to Mark Bennet, use of the phrase ‘openly gay’ has been banned in The Times because we are not in the business of outing people. We are currently rewriting the style guide but I don’t know if that interdiction will remain or not. Of course it places me as a journalist in a uniquely difficult position. I can however understand why we have adopted this usage. The meaning of the word ‘gay’ has changed several times over past centuries. Maybe it is now evolving to mean ‘openly gay’. If bishops or anyone choose not to state publicly they… Read more »

Revd Laurie Roberts
Revd Laurie Roberts
11 years ago

Telegraph url is of 03 Jul 2010 and so out of date now, here ?

Bishop Mervyn Stockwood (Southwark) was pretty ‘openly gay’ when he ordained me in 1978 and ’79, knowing that I too was gay and pretty out too !

The DDO back then knew I was gay – I think he was too – name eludes me ! Also the parish priest Fr Nicholas (CEN) Richards accepted me for my Title with him, in Rotherhithe, knowing I came with my then partner, now civil partner, soon to be husband.

Get real, grow up !

Revd Laurie Roberts
Revd Laurie Roberts
11 years ago

‘Maybe it is now evolving to mean ‘openly gay’. If bishops or anyone choose not to state publicly they are gay,’ Ruth Gledhill

I thought The Times was still a newspaper if a shadow of its former self ?

11 years ago

I don’t know how Dr John stands his current situation: constantly having his sex life a discussion in the press, being made to repeatedly promise that he isn’t having sex in his relationship, being looked down on for being gay by the church and being looked down on for being an Uncle Tom by most gay people.

He seems sad that such a likable and well meaning chap should end up being thought so little of by so many people from both sides of the sexuality argument.

Peter Owen
11 years ago


The Pink News article is slightly misleading as there are two CNC meetings, in the case of Exeter on 18 October 2013 and 6/7 November 2013. So, more leaks apart, it’s likely to be sometime in January.

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
11 years ago

There are no shortage of biblical and other traditional stories in which a group of people, ostensibly working for the same aim, are confounded by fallings out and poor communication amongst themselves and thus their endeavour fails. The Ship of Fools, the Tower of Babylon, the list is endless.

And so, a debate about precisely what “first gay bishop” means. Yes, because in the content of the current debates on issues of homosexuality in the CofE, that’s exactly the first thing that should be being discussed.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
11 years ago

“then The Times should be praised for ‘good editing’.”

whereas I believe that most readers will see it as colluding with the pretence that there are no gay bishops in the CoE.
Whether that’s the impression The Times wants to give is for the writers of its Style Guide to decide. But I think they should at least be aware that that is how most people will interpret it.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
11 years ago

In answer to Ruth – I appreciate the nuances, but using “gay” as we do today, “first gay bishop” sounds like a factual inaccuracy rather than a matter of style or usage. The reason this is important is that “don’t ask, don’t tell” culture is being challenged. Some people still engage in the sexuality debate suggesting that they don’t know any gay clergy, or there have not been gay bishops. A whole culture of dishonesty has made it almost impossible to have a sensible grown-up conversation, and it is important (to me) to avoid accidentally providing material to validate untrue… Read more »

11 years ago

I find the premise of the article sad. Many other candidates will have been turned down at any number of CNC’s recently (there seem to be so many vacancies) and we have a) no real evidence and b) no evidence that sexuality was the only reason. It also should be sad that nothing is confidential anymore, I did not sit on the CNC, see all the candidates and their applications/interviews so how do I know that John was unfairly treated?

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

Laurie: the rot set in with the notorious ‘Higton’ motion passed by Synod in 1987 in the hight of the Aids panic by 403 votes to 8 which confined sex within heterosexual marriage and forbade any outside. Before that as long as the horses weren’t frightened there was an unacknowledged acceptance. Afterwards lies, hypocrisy, and dissembling became the norm and fear haunted the vicarages of the country, with intrusive bishops and axegrinding laity on the search for trangressors. It is this has resulted in the almost complete failure of gltb clergy to dare to be open and to participate in… Read more »

James Byron
James Byron
11 years ago

Richard Ashby: Higton is the roadblock alright. ‘Issues’ could be relegated back to being a “discussion document,” but Higton, and its overwhelming majority, makes the entire church complicit.

I know that it was a panicked reaction to an ambush by an even worse motion, but cannot for the life of me understand why the church’s liberal wing decided to vote for the thing. How could they not see that it was a coup for homophobia?

Stuart, Devon
Stuart, Devon
11 years ago

Thank you Peter.

11 years ago

I would dearly love to see Jeffrey John be appointed as a bishop (and allowed to take up the appointment), not because he’s gay but because he’d be a very good bishop. In the meantime I think we should all leave him alone to carry out his ministry in St Albans.

11 years ago

I am told that Jeffrey John is very highly regarded as well as very well liked by the people he ministers to as the Dean of St Albans.

I am sure he would think, as I do, that this is the reputation that really matters.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

It’s worthwhile re-reading the relevant section of Stephen Bates’ ‘A. Church at War’ to be reminded of all the gory details of that synod, the impotence of the Bishops and the contemporary political situation leading up to the notorious section 28.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
11 years ago

Some of what’s going on with the Church of England reminds me of the USA armed forces “before” Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Armed forces service members accused of homosexual behavior by open or anonymous informants used to deploy what was ironically called the “Queen for a Day (named after a 1950s-era TV game show of the same title)” defense, in which the service member would admit that, yes, he or she engaged in a homosexual activity, but it was temporary, s/he was caught up in the moment of some strange compulsion, that s/he was straighter than the Chairman of the… Read more »

11 years ago

As Hannah says yes, except that again the conclusion of why he was not appointed rests only on his sexuality, still that is based on no evidence. The 1 vote detail from the original story seeks to imply that his sexuality made the difference, yet I know of at least three recent incumbent appointments not made on the basis of 1 vote, I’m sure that Jeffrey John is more than just his sexuality as is everyone else.

James Byron
James Byron
11 years ago

Richard Ashby: Sure is. The 1987 blitzkrieg was a lightening victory for homophobia, any discussion lost before it could begin.

Even given the climate, it’s hard to fathom what on earth the liberals on Synod were thinking. Realpolitik be damned, in the late ’80s, resistance to homophobia was active. Some things you just don’t vote for.

Bates doesn’t say, but I hope that there was, at the least, extensive behind-the-scenes consultation with LGB clergy and laypeople on the part of their Synod reps. Even if there was, history has shown ’87 to be the wrong call.

Concerned Anglican
Concerned Anglican
11 years ago

From the way I read the Times article, there seemed to be a nuanced hint that it was the one ‘who had the casting vote’, i.e. the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who prevented Jeffrey John’s appointment.

11 years ago

One feels for Dr. John. It will be difficult to be England’s Gene Robinson, if he does.

It cannot be easy having been so close twice (thrice?) now, and not getting the post, but receiving the publicity nonetheless.

Fortunately the CNC looks as though it is moving faster than, for example, Synod.

Justin Cantuar, it’s time to make it look like a parade.

Father David
Father David
11 years ago

Looks like the rainbow coloured stained glass ceiling preventing the appointment of an openly Gay bishop is about to be shattered – one more push and the Dean of St. Albans gets his long over due pointy hat.

Tim S
Tim S
11 years ago

Is it any coincidence that the CNC seems to leak selectively, when its to do with a gay candidate for Diocesan Bishop!

11 years ago

Tim S, you’re right, of course. Someone is trying to start a media firestorm at the prospect of a gay bishop. (Erm, I mean an openly gay bishop.) This time, however, it seems likely that the leak will, over the long term, ease the paths of gay people to bishoprics. This leak has taken place so often now that when a gay person is finally made a bishop, people will not be able to claim surprise. The leaker may also have an eye to stirring things up in the Communion. But in the UK, the number of people who feel… Read more »

James Byron
James Byron
11 years ago

‘Course, if England were to follow the ECUSA and Scotland in electing its bishops, we wouldn’t be in this mess …

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

“Is it any coincidence that the CNC seems to leak selectively, when its to do with a gay candidate for Diocesan Bishop!” – Tim S –

Yes, Tim. And my question would be: “Which side of the current argument – For or against Jeffrey John’s preferment – stands to gain from the leaks?”

I guess it might be the anti-brigade.

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

“The real question is surely, if they are gay and unable to be open about it, then why? If it furthers the asking of that question, then The Times should be praised for ‘good editing’.” Posted by: Ruth Gledhill on Tuesday I agree with Ruth’s careful premise here, for not distinguishing, in press articles, between what might be considered an ‘openly-gay’ person, and a ‘gay’ person. As most of us know by now, for a person to be known as ‘openly gay’ this allows the Church of England to apply negative discrimination against them – e.g. Dean Jeffrey John. However,… Read more »

Laurence Cunnington
Laurence Cunnington
11 years ago

“‘Course, if England were to follow the ECUSA and Scotland in electing its bishops, we wouldn’t be in this mess …” James Byron

Be careful what you wish for – just look at some of the horrific results of General Synod elections!

Fr Paul
Fr Paul
11 years ago

Jeffrey for Guildford please!

James Byron
James Byron
11 years ago

Laurence Cunnington: Not to mention South Carolina!

If the election of bad candidates were an argument against democracy, we wouldn’t have it. It isn’t, any more than the appointment of incompetents is an argument against appointment, since no system approaches perfection.

The benefit of electing bishops is that as many people as possible are consulted and empowered, and the diocese as a whole takes ownership of the decision, instead of back-room dealing, imposition and disconnect between people and their leaders.

Father David
Father David
11 years ago

What a good idea Fr. Paul. The diocese of Guildford has shewn that it is not afraid to be novel with the appointment of a red haired female American Dean. I’m sure that the Stock Brokers of Surrey would take a celebrity bishop, like Jeffrey John, to their hearts, just as the good folk of County Durham warmly embraced Bishop David Jenkins.

Simon W
Simon W
11 years ago

Changing tack slightly, given the significant number of episcopal vacancies currently, and the large number of senior women clergy who surely have the ability to fill them, is it conceivable that a Diocese could choose a woman candidate in the coming months and say “we will wait for her to be consecrated Bishop” or is that something the powers that be in the C of E would not allow? Just a question.

Father David
Father David
11 years ago

Simon W – “NO”! – Just an answer.

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

But it is a good question.

At what point exactly does it become possible for the CNC to consider women as candidates for diocesan bishoprics. Presumably not until the legislation has received royal assent?

One can easily imagine though that some diocesan bishops who have a vacancy for a suffragan bishopric will move more slowly than they might otherwise have done, for this very reason.

11 years ago

@Simon – It is a very good question. Working backwards: Consecration obviously can’t happen until the law has changed. Neither can Confirmation of Election, nor (the entirely ceremonial) election by the Cathedral Chapter. I don’t think Her Majesty would approve a nomination of somebody to something which would require a change in the law before it could take place. BUT – I don’t necessarily see that the CNC could not vote and come to a decision on somebody, and then just delay sending the nomination for approval. It would, however, likely place an unbearable strain on the confidentiality of the… Read more »

Philip Hobday
Philip Hobday
11 years ago

A hugely troubling aspect of this kind of story is that – on the assumption the journalist in question really has a source who is in a position to know – someone who has agreed to participate in a process having given a solemn undertaking to keep the details of that process confidential is breaching their word. Whatever the merits or otherwise of any particular candidate or viewpoint, that is straightforwardly shameful behaviour – both for disregarding one’s own promise and for the hurt such leaks could cause to candidates (whether successful or not) and the diocese.

Dan BD
10 years ago

@tommiaquinas: I would dispute your claim that neither election nor confirmation could occur before canon law changed. Surely canon law only dictates whom it is legal to consecrate?

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