Thinking Anglicans


Archdruid Eileen of the Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley writes about the Holy Innocents, and the Dangerous Herod Boys.

Bosco Peters writes Collaring clergy.

Editorial in The Guardian: Religion: the God squad

The Archbishop of Canterbury was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 on New Year’s Eve; listen to him here.
Madeleine Davies reports in the Church Times on what he said: Welby: Good vicars mean growth.
His comment that “The reality is that where you have a good vicar, you will find growing churches” has prompted a number of responses, including:
Kelvin Holdsworth Good Vicar, Bad Vicar
Kathryn Rose Reality Check
Anna Norman-Walker Festival Churches – a step towards sustainable rural church ministry into the future

Scott Gunn has some suggestions for A General Ordination Exam for the modern church.
Tom Ferguson, the Crusty Old Dean, is also blogging about the GOE (in his case entirely seriously). He did this last year (starting here), and here is his first offering this year: Blogging the GOEs, Part III: Question 1: Cuz the Bible Tells Me So.

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peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
11 years ago

“Design your Sunday morning liturgy using your own liturgical predilections. Go ahead and take liberties from the rubrics of the prayer book; everyone does it.” Mr. Gunn’s mock GOE essay question reminds me of a couple of incidents when I was much younger: 1) When I was a teenager, in the last year of my synagogue’s religious education classes, our class was asked to create a Reform Jewish liturgy for a Friday night (“kabbalat Shabbat”) service. We thought we were clever when we substituted one of the standard Hebrew prayers with “I Get By With A Little Help From My… Read more »

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