Thinking Anglicans

Pre-Synod press roundup

Updated Monday morning

The General Synod meets in London for three days, starting tomorrow (Monday). Here are some online news and comment articles about items on the agenda.

Church Times
Paul Handley Poll: lack of trust in Synod
Angela Tilby The Synod must get real on gay sex
Gavin Drake Churches urged to tackle domestic violence

These three refer to a diocesan synod motion on environmental issues.
Gillan Scott God & Politics in the UK The Church of England mustn’t waste this opportunity to address the ravages of climate change
David Pocklington Law & Religion UK Fracking and the Church of England
Independent Catholic News A ‘Beyond-Lightbulbs-Moment: CoE Synod to debate environment

John Bingham The Telegraph Final hurdle for women bishops to overcome

Kate Cooper blogs on Girl Guides and Female Bishops – The Plot Thickens.

Stephen Lynas blogs QUESTION: “Why do we never get an answer?”

There are links to the papers for the women in the episcopate legislation here, and to the agenda and other papers here.


Tina Rowe Western Daily Press Petition to save role of Wells’ Bishop’s Palace goes to General Synod

Alice Collins Christian Today Women bishops legislation dominates Church of England General Synod

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Lionel Deimel
11 years ago

I cannot understand why Justin Welby polls so well.

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

Excellent contribution by Angela Tilby. Let’s hope the General Synod members take note of her message. A more open discussion of the issue of the unjust requirement of celibacy for same-sex partnered clergy might even draw a few clergy out of the closet. And that would be a triumph for openness, and a blow to enforced hypocrisy in the Church.

11 years ago

“I cannot understand why Justin Welby polls so well.”

Because he’s not Rowan?

James Byron
James Byron
11 years ago

An insightful and humane contribution from Angela Tilby, but she makes one crucial mistake: she’s thinking in the wrong terms, looking for reason and compassion where none exist. Like many liberals, thinking in terms of power doesn’t appear to come easily to her.

Doesn’t matter how reasoned or empathic a case she makes, ’cause that’s not what will sway the bishops. They’ll shift when, and only when, they see it as being in the church’s interest to do so.

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