Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Monday

General Synod opened its February group of sessions at 2.00 pm today. This page will be updated with notes on the business transacted.

There is a live video stream here.

The last item of business today is Questions (and answers). The questions themselves have been published here.

There was an Ethical Investment Advisory Group presentation to Synod.

Synod debated gender-based violence and passed this motion.

That this Synod, believing that all people are made in the image of God and that all forms of violence based on gender represent an abuse and violation of that image:
(a) affirm work already undertaken in dioceses, deaneries, parishes and Church of England schools in raising awareness and caring for survivors of gender-based violence in all our diverse communities;
(b) support measures to bring perpetrators to account and provide support for changed lifestyles;
(c) encourage boys and men to stand against gender-based violence; and
(d) commend Anglican Consultative Council Resolution 15:7 on preventing and eliminating gender-based violence to dioceses, deaneries and parishes and urge them to seek practical approaches to its implementation.

A press release was promptly released after the debate: Synod approves motion to affirm work in combating Gender-based violence.

Official summary of the day’s business: General Synod – Monday PM.

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Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

It will be most interesting to see how the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Justin Welby, has reacted to the question of, how he sees the effect of having invited to preach at Canterbury Cathedral; one Tony Baucum, a priest of ACNA, – with which schismatic organisation the Anglican Communion has no official connection – will affect relationships with The Episcopal Church in the U.S., and with other Provinces of the Communion that do not recognise ACNA as part of the Anglican Communion.

Jeremy Pemberton
Jeremy Pemberton
11 years ago

Is this the first time that GS has looked at GBV? I am glad they have and have managed to come out with a clear statement against it, but wonder where their heads have been buried all these years…
Oh, no. I know the answer to that question.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

So, Mr Cowen, Mrs Williams and Revd John Cook want to hobble the ‘facilitated conversations’ before they begin and to determine their outcome. Perhaps someone can then explain what the point is of any lgbt person or someone who believes in their full inclusion in the life of the church participating in what these people would turn into a sham.

Jean Mayland
Jean Mayland
11 years ago

At last the General Synod gets there – about 15 years after many other churches as I know from my work with churches Together in Britain and Dreamland. When Oh when will we actually be in the lead of change!

11 years ago

“When Oh when will we actually be in the lead of change!”

When there are women in charge, of course!

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
11 years ago

“So, Mr Cowen, Mrs Williams and Revd John Cook want to hobble the ‘facilitated conversations’ before they begin”

That was always the intent, wasn’t it? I mean, surely no-one thinks that the “facilitated conversations” are anything other than a delaying measure in the hope that homophobia makes a comeback as a popular position?

11 years ago

Does anyone have a link to the GBV presentation by Mandy Marshall?

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago
11 years ago

Thanks Simon.

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