Thinking Anglicans

Justice and Spirituality: proclaiming the kingdom of God

Thinking Anglicans is a website for thoughtful contributions to the proclamation of the gospel message. Here writers reflect on what it means to be a Christian, particularly in Britain today.

Thinking Anglicans will actively report news, events and documents that affect church people, and will comment on them from a liberal Christian perspective.

Thinking Anglicans proclaims a tolerant, progressive and compassionate Christian spirituality, in which justice is central to the proclamation of the good news of the kingdom of God. Our spirituality must engage with the world, and be consistent with the scientific and philosophical understanding on which our modern world is based. It must address the changes which science and technology have brought into our lives.

Thinking Anglicans takes the form of weblogs (or ‘blogs’) in which writers place their thoughts in public for all to read. We each take responsibility for our own words. There is no central definition or declaration of faith to which contributors must subscribe, although most of our writers are active Christians in communion with the see of Canterbury. Rather there is a range of opinions, which contributes to debate, and is legitimate diversity within the Christian faith. The site will be updated frequently, with regular contributions from our team of writers, commenting on news events and exploring wider issues and deeper meanings.

Thinking Anglicans is a focal point where you can find the words of informed contributors to the contemporary understanding of Christian faith, as well as the views of ordinary ‘Anglicans in the pew’. In a world where the voices of fundamentalism and conservatism are frequently heard, Thinking Anglicans is a place for a tolerant, thoughtful and understanding exploration of Christian faith. We hope this shared witness of the vision of God’s kingdom in the world will help and encourage both Christians and others.

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Fr. Joseph Mazza
Fr. Joseph Mazza
21 years ago

Thanks for making this possible; I hope you will include ECUSA.

james lodwick
james lodwick
21 years ago

Dear Simon Sarmiento et al: Thank you so much for your terrific website and all the work that goes into making it so good and helpful!

Norris Battin
Norris Battin
21 years ago

This is an extremely valuable blog for those of us across the pond. Thanks so much for all the work.

Dorothy Crocker
21 years ago

It’s fabulous to have found this. St. Valentine has spoken.

Rev. Denis Charles-Gray
Rev. Denis Charles-Gray
20 years ago

It is my hope that somehow this site will be of assistance to me and to all whose daily pursuit is acquisition of The Holy Spirit through the means of grace.

David Exham
David Exham
3 years ago

I know that I am revealing myself as an anally retentive pedant, but every time I post a comment and read ‘awaiting for approval’ I wince! Could you go for ‘awaiting approval’ or ‘waiting for approval’, please? It would help my blood pressure!

David Exham
David Exham
3 years ago

I should have added how grateful I am for the excellent work that the three of you do bringing all relevant matters of interest to our attention.It is a really valuable service, and I am sure many people appreciate it greatly. Some of those commenting raise more questions, but that is not your responsibility. Thank you very much.

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