Thinking Anglicans


Oliver Farry New Statesman What should happen to churches as religion recedes?

Peter Stanford Third Sector Faith and Good Works – the weakening of traditional links

Giles Fraser The Guardian Just how far does the concept of Christian solidarity extend?

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Andrew F. Pierce
Andrew F. Pierce
10 years ago

Here in Ireland, particularly in the countryside of the West there are many ruins of churches that were abandoned after the civil war and partition. The message they send is rather mixed. As an outsider here it seem the demolition option would be appropriate. This would leave many scenic graveyards. A few have been ‘re-purposed’ but again the message is mixed. They could be good conversation starters but it’s a conversation many would rather avoid. While living in Germany we saw one old church turned into a nightclub very akin to the one depicted in ‘Inspector Lewis’ a few years… Read more »

10 years ago

Re Giles Fraser’s question: I was once taught “the Church is the only organization that exists primarily for those NOT in it” * (i.e., its mission extends to the oikumene, the “whole world” Christ redeemed). Ergo, our charity—our solidarity, to protect them—should be even GREATER for the Yazidi, than for fellow Christians. But will we do so?

* A quote that Google tells me is variously attributed to ABC Wm Temple or C.S. Lewis: interestingly, both Anglicans.

10 years ago

“the simple solidarity of being human”. Thanks Giles Fraser. I agree with JCF’s comment. So often churches concentrate on ministering to their ‘own’ instead of, literally, going out to those in need (not those they think they need to convert). Spreading the gospel through action, not sermon.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
10 years ago

There’s a famed instance of an Episcopal church in Manhattan that was repurposed as a night club/disco called The Limelight. It was later closed on drug charges and is now being repurposed again as a collection of upscale boutiques.

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
10 years ago

A quote that Google tells me is variously attributed to ABC Wm Temple or C.S. Lewis: interestingly, both Anglicans. JCF, that quote, in various forms, is indeed widely attributed to Archbishop Temple. (Maybe also to C S Lewis, but not so commonly). It is not difficult to find quotation websites with the Temple attribution. The problem is that no one can find when and where he said it! I tried to trace it for my PhD Thesis as I wanted to get it right, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I tried the William Temple Foundation in Chester, who said they… Read more »

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
10 years ago

Thoughtful piece by Giles Fraser as usual, but slightly too much information when it came to shooting heroin in the car park. Graphic embellishment to show that his parish is in the real world perhaps?

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