Thinking Anglicans


Ian Paul wrote Free healthcare cannot continue.

David Keen wrote The parish system: game over?

The Bishop of Durham Paul Butler has been writing about the Synod of Bishops in Rome, in a series of reflections which begin
here and continue
here and

Update And part 6 is here.

Justin Welby has written in Prospect magazine Archbishop of Canterbury on dealing with ISIS and jihadism.

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Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
10 years ago

Re Ian Paul, Free Health Care Cannot Continue, its a variation on a theme in all countries that have some form of socialized medicine.Our federal government here is using funding levels to create a path forward for privatization. They are being cagey about it because universal heath care is iconic for Canadians. Clearly demographics (aging) the costs and use ( overuse?)of new technology and the costs of drugs are big ticket items. However, so called “free” marketeers are salivating at the prospect of getting a share of medical care. The opportunity for big bucks and a path to increase wealth… Read more »

Laurie R
Laurie R
10 years ago

Who imagines health care to be ‘free’ ?

And why ?

10 years ago

Not only in Britain, but in Australia also, the small country parish is, more often than not, struggling. Here, we have the added complication of, oftentimes, significant distances between parishes. And when there are ministerial vacancies in nearby parishes this places further stress on small parishes who do have a minister in place. Enabling lay ministry is something that should be put in place, if possible. I heard a fine sermon today from a fellow parishioner and congratulated her afterwards.

10 years ago

Hugely indicative of the general parochialism and narcissism of TA that there are no comments on the recent Rome synod.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
10 years ago

No, John, hugely indicative of the fact that people on an Anglican website comment on Anglican matters.
If we want to get involved in Roman Catholic conversations we choose Roman Catholic forums.

Alastair Newman
10 years ago

John, perhaps we’ve all just been busy?!

Father Ron Smith
10 years ago

Well, John; here’s one from me – a retired/active priest in the New Zealand Anglican Church:

I was interested in the Pope’s remarks about the ‘down-side’ of the Synod’s proceedings, where the entrenched ‘traditionalists’ – on matters of gender, sexuality and ‘family values’ – are still unwilling to take a risk with opening up the Roman Catholic Church to people on the margins. Can we Anglicans claim to manage any our controversies any better?

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
10 years ago

At Erika and John, you might check out Episcopal Café.

Given centuries of unrequited Anglican love for Rome, the notion that there should be no comments about the recent episcopal synod in Rome is nothing if not amusing.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
10 years ago

in which case you might have to look on FiF and Ordinariate sites for comments?
I have no intention of commenting on the internal affairs of another church. Not on an Anglican forum.

10 years ago

As an American, I can assure you that the private healthcare industry is a dreadful thing.

What good is greater technology and better medicine if it is held out of reach by pricing and private greed (which always seems to be tied to conservative “christianity,” I notice)?

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
10 years ago

@ Erika, You must, of course, follow your own comfort level, when deciding what to post. However, given the huge big ticket item that sexual politics is within the Anglican Communion, given the same situation within Roman Catholicism, and given the long standing inter-action between the two, with people converting from one to the other because of it, as I see it comment is both appropriate and of interest. For one thing, a comparison in the way in which decisions are made in both churches, one dominated by an exclusive male hierarchy, and the other dominated internationally by a largely… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
10 years ago

I thought John’s comment sad. I have never seen a lack of comments as a sign of parochialism or narcissism. Quite the contrary, I have often thought how reflective our community is and (with the odd exception) how people tend to comment on items they know something about or have personal experience to share. Sometimes comments are closed, and that is nearly always a good decision and sometimes the TA community decides silence is best and that too, I have thought in the past, was a wise choice. I had read the reflections from Durham, I know nothing of the… Read more »

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