Thinking Anglicans

Bishop of Sherborne

Graham Kings, the suffragan Bishop of Sherborne in the diocese of Salisbury, will be moving to be Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion in the summer.

Mission Theology website: Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion

Salisbury diocesan website: New Job for Bishop Graham

Fulcrum website: Partnership for Publishing New Voices: Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion

Southwark diocesan website: The Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings

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Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
10 years ago

A.wonderful appointment!
There will be much rejoicing!

Father Ron Smith
10 years ago

Of all the conservative, evangelical prelates in the Church of England, Bishop Graham Kings might be considered to be the most balanced and ecumenically minded. His influence will no doubt be appreciated by some of the GAFCON Primates, who will be hoping that Dr. Kings will bring to bear a more conservative understanding of gender and sexuality issues to bear within the Anglican Communion. However, if the ‘Conversations on Human Sexuality’ due to take place within the Church of England dioceses is at all fruitful – in a more open and accepting culture of accommodation towards clergy who are faithfully… Read more »

10 years ago

It’ll suit his background, being such a communion apologist, and he could hardly have been happy biting his tongue under Nicholas Holtam. He’ll be able to employ those terrible metaphors he dreams up like the ice sheets that some of us correctly said would melt before they got to the bottom of the valley. He’s the right man for another wrong job.

paul richardson
paul richardson
10 years ago

A wonderfully imaginative initiative. This should not only help to bridge divisions across the Anglican Communion, but also provide a real resource for sharing across those divisions in rigorous theological reflection on issues of mission for the whole Church in developed and developing nations and with the different challenges faced in Anglican provinces. No one better than bishop Graham to seek to do this.

Father David
Father David
10 years ago

Will this trigger a possible move from the Deanery to the soon to be vacant Suffragan See in Dorsetshire or will the formidable Dean of Salisbury, whose name is oft mentioned with regard to episcopal preferment, be more suited to one of our vacant Diocesan Bishoprics?

James A
James A
10 years ago

Will Nick Holtam now be brave and resolute in his appointment of Graham Kings’ successor, and show that he will not be bullied by those who have no jurisdiction in the Salisbury Diocese? I hope and pray so; but I’m not beating a path to William Hill just yet!

Laurence Cunnington
Laurence Cunnington
10 years ago

“or will the formidable Dean of Salisbury, whose name is oft mentioned with regard to episcopal preferment, be more suited to one of our vacant Diocesan Bishoprics?” Father David

We had one of those in Southwell & Nottingham, and she didn’t get a look-in there. I am told that two women were considered for S&N but the CNC decided they were ‘too liberal’.

Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper
10 years ago

If I were June Osborne, I would not consider anything less than a diocesan appointment – unless she is looking to wind down before retirement. Someone who has presided over a Cathedral and its ministry should not be wasted as a suffragan. I realised this when I heard June speaking at a meeting a year or so ago.

If Lawrence Cunnington knows that two women were for considered for S & N then there has been yet another breach of confidentiality in the CNC. Sadly the appointment announced is unlikely to be helpful to Jeremy.

Jean Mayland (Revd)
Jean Mayland (Revd)
10 years ago

I think the description of ‘too liberal’ is going to make it hard for any of our capable women to be appointed as Diocesan Bishops.We only have a couple of liberal male ones and the evangelical dominance in the C of E will try to keep it like that. I see no prospect of improvement in my life time and resign myself to just being a permanent rebel. Perhaps one day the C of E will become an open ‘forward looking Church again. All we can do is grin and bear it but keep hope and rebellion alive until we… Read more »

Father David
Father David
10 years ago

I’d take care in what you report about what occurs at CNC gatherings if I were you Laurence. Remember the Primate of All England, no less, is keeping “a close eye” on those who break the confidentiality clause. To know or to speculate that two “too liberal” women were invited to be interviewed for Southwell and Nottingham is sailing close to the wind. Remember Big Brother is watching.

Laurence Cunnington
Laurence Cunnington
10 years ago

“To know or to speculate that two “too liberal” women were invited to be interviewed for Southwell and Nottingham is sailing close to the wind. Remember Big Brother is watching.” Father David I merely repeat the gossip that circulated. I was told many weeks ago that the chosen candidate was male, young, and that the CNC’s decision was unanimous. For tittle-tattle, it was remarkably prescient – though, perhaps, just lucky guesswork on the tittle-tattler’s part. I must have one of those faces – back in 2008, I was told of an episcopal appointment by no less than the candidate himself,… Read more »

Jonathan Jennings
Jonathan Jennings
10 years ago

I agree, Susan; it will take a significant diocesan appointment to begin the process properly of welcoming women as bishops …

10 years ago

Well, I think Father David you are very nearly one of us. One thing I think very, very important and very, very encouraging is that integrity is not limited to any one constituency in the church – nor is its lack. So let us all men (and women!) of honesty and integrity stick together against the fixers and the end-justifies-the-means merchants who harm the virtuous and who do not deserve our trust – or our cooperation.

10 years ago

David, far from being wary of Big Brother watching, ought we not to stick two fingers up and continue leaking and openly discussing? Big Brother need to receive the message that the current system is fundamentally unworkable!

Father David
Father David
10 years ago

DBD I really cannot imagine sticking “two fingers” up at anyone, although in a previous parish a Churchwarden who shall remain nameless liked short sermons and after I had preached for five minutes he always stuck up his left hand displaying all five digits as an indication that the oration should be brought to a conclusion. This action irritated me beyond words and occurred Sunday after Sunday. One Sunday morning I said to my wife that if he did it again I would not be responsible for my actions. Sure enough after preaching for five minutes up went the Warden’s… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
10 years ago

Father David, you really made me ‘Laugh Out Loud’ with your latest contribution. And why not?

10 years ago

I see that Graham Kings is leaving just as the Church of England’s own Militant Tendency AMiE is setting up its own competitive church in Salisbury. Obviously this is one of their target ‘heterodox’ areas (rather like Southwark).

John Foxe
John Foxe
10 years ago

I’m afraid Pluralist has been reading too many conspiracy theory novels!

The planting of a church in Salisbury, which has happened to end up in AMiE, has much more to do with disaffections in a local Reformed Baptist church than with any grand master plan of GAFCON.

Whether or not the Bishop of Salisbury has any legal recourse to do anything I leave to canon lawyers, though I note no ordinations were involved.

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